Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Not Able to Put On Muscle? My Advice to the Hard-Gainer

The best advice for skinny hard gainers who want to build muscle would be to understand what exercises are most likely to be effective.It is important to be aware that every human body is different, just because one person can quickly tone and sculpt their body with a specific group of exercises, does not mean the same results can be had by a different individual.

If you know that you are relatively skinny, and have always had problems putting on weight and muscle, the following five concepts and tips should allow you to boost your physique with the least amount of effort.

Skinny guys do not want to work out infrequently, they should train regularly but not with a ton of exercises.Many slim people make the mistake of training too hard, this will not bring about the desired results.The key is often to do fewer repetitions, though with a greater emphasis on intensity.

Diet will also have an impact on how quickly you can tone your body.It would be useful to eat a greater number of protein rich meals in a day than normal.Instead of just having two large meals, find the time to consume five or six small, but calorie rich, meals.You should try to eat half an hour prior to working out and then again after finishing the work outs.If you find it hard to prepare the right kind of foods, you can drink protein rich shakes.

You should try to focus on different muscle groups on alternate days.For example, on one day do exercises such as sit ups that will enhance your abs, and then on the next day use dead lift equipment that will boost the upper body strength.Never concentrate solely on building a single muscle group, as this may not be so effective in the long run.

If at the outset you start to feel tired and see no changes in your body shape, do not despair.It takes hard work and commitment to develop a rippling physique.Try to keep a diary of your training so that you can see a gradual progress in the number of repetitions you are able to do.

Motivation can often be the hardest hurdle to overcome.For this reason, you may find it easier if you were to train alongside a friend or family member.They may not be available every single day, but when they can join you in your workouts, you will find the pain is considerably less and the results are achieved with far less effort.

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