Attractive Steam Shower Feature
People are not always content with what they have.
In one way or another, there is always something which could improve our current possessions.
That is why there are upgrades and add-ons being provided in most products.
This is especially evident in electronics such as smart phones where firmware upgrades are propagated every couple of months.
Likewise, add-ons are manufactured such as phone printers, camera lenses and signal boosters.
All these are done so that consumers are pleased with their product.
The same holds true for steam showers.
While it is possible to purchase a steam shower all packaged up, there are some retailers that sell bare-bones packages.
This means that the sale only includes the product itself without any additional features and add-ons.
This gives the buyer more room to test things on his own and choose specific features to implement.
Below are some of the features that are usually added.
Steam Temperature Controller We are all aware what a thermostat is and what it does.
Simply put, this added feature works like a thermostat.
It's main purpose is to regulate the temperature inside the steam shower environment.
Why is this needed? One good reason is that every user has his or her own preferences.
A temperature of fifty degrees Celsius may be fine for you but for another, it may not be warm enough.
Installing this feature leaves the temperature in the hands of the user.
That way, no one will complain about the temperature being too hot or too cold for his liking.
Steam Timer Every steam session should only last for twenty to thirty minutes.
Going over this range is dangerous for the skin.
Most people think that it is easy to keep track of time.
Arguably, this is not the case in real scenarios.
A large percentage of users are known to have fallen asleep during the steam session.
This is because the environment is extremely comfortable making the person drowsy and at ease.
Even if there is a clock in the bathroom, one will undoubtedly forget to glance at it and focus on relaxing instead.
A good way to resolve this is to set your smart phone or alarm clock to alert you.
However, it is far more convenient to use the steam timer feature instead.
Deep sleepers will never hear the alarm clock after all.
What the steam timer does is to turn off the steam generator once time is up.
This is great as one can continue to doze off inside the steam shower without the need to worry about turning it off.
LED lighting Some showers have a ceiling that has space for additional lighting.
This is a great place to install LED lights.
Since the steam shower is powered up by plugging it into an outlet, it will undoubtedly have spare power for these LEDs.
Why LEDs? They are small yet very bright.
Likewise, they consume very little power.
With LED ceiling lights in place, one can stop using the bathroom lights altogether during the steam session.
In one way or another, there is always something which could improve our current possessions.
That is why there are upgrades and add-ons being provided in most products.
This is especially evident in electronics such as smart phones where firmware upgrades are propagated every couple of months.
Likewise, add-ons are manufactured such as phone printers, camera lenses and signal boosters.
All these are done so that consumers are pleased with their product.
The same holds true for steam showers.
While it is possible to purchase a steam shower all packaged up, there are some retailers that sell bare-bones packages.
This means that the sale only includes the product itself without any additional features and add-ons.
This gives the buyer more room to test things on his own and choose specific features to implement.
Below are some of the features that are usually added.
Steam Temperature Controller We are all aware what a thermostat is and what it does.
Simply put, this added feature works like a thermostat.
It's main purpose is to regulate the temperature inside the steam shower environment.
Why is this needed? One good reason is that every user has his or her own preferences.
A temperature of fifty degrees Celsius may be fine for you but for another, it may not be warm enough.
Installing this feature leaves the temperature in the hands of the user.
That way, no one will complain about the temperature being too hot or too cold for his liking.
Steam Timer Every steam session should only last for twenty to thirty minutes.
Going over this range is dangerous for the skin.
Most people think that it is easy to keep track of time.
Arguably, this is not the case in real scenarios.
A large percentage of users are known to have fallen asleep during the steam session.
This is because the environment is extremely comfortable making the person drowsy and at ease.
Even if there is a clock in the bathroom, one will undoubtedly forget to glance at it and focus on relaxing instead.
A good way to resolve this is to set your smart phone or alarm clock to alert you.
However, it is far more convenient to use the steam timer feature instead.
Deep sleepers will never hear the alarm clock after all.
What the steam timer does is to turn off the steam generator once time is up.
This is great as one can continue to doze off inside the steam shower without the need to worry about turning it off.
LED lighting Some showers have a ceiling that has space for additional lighting.
This is a great place to install LED lights.
Since the steam shower is powered up by plugging it into an outlet, it will undoubtedly have spare power for these LEDs.
Why LEDs? They are small yet very bright.
Likewise, they consume very little power.
With LED ceiling lights in place, one can stop using the bathroom lights altogether during the steam session.