Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

White Doves Spread All Over The Globe

White Doves Spread All Over The Globe

He was working with lot of worries and anxieties.

Various kinds of thoughts were agitating his mind.

He was calling the Lord to give him peace and bliss.

He was observing the inside functions of his brain and body.


After a considerable period he felt soundness in his mind.

He observed the inside of his brain and saw the white doves moving.

He opened the doors of his brain and the white doves spread in his surroundings.

Seeing those he forgot his anxieties and worries.


Slowly those doves were moving in all directions spreading the entire globe.

Those were carrying the messages of divinity,peace and love.

Those were moving to his beloved places and giving his mind new hopes.

Those were sitting on the brains of his well wishers and on them whom he was liking the most.


The friendly doves were bringing the messages of his beloved persons enabling him to advance experiencing lot of scopes.

The beauty of the doves were taking out all his worries and anxieties and were filling his brain with love.

Serving the customers with love and smiles he was offering his gratitude to the Lord.

He was seeing the smiling faces of the Lord on the doves.


Observing the doves he was moving with courage and confidence creating an atmosphere devoid of sorrows.

Distributing peace and happiness to all he was resting on the lotus feet of the Lord.

The doves were taking away all his negatives and with positive vibrations he was sensing a vibrant globe.

The people were striving for peace in the inner most corner of their hearts forgetting the psychological barriers.


The doves were enlightening his brain,body and mind and he was becoming one among those.

Moving with those he was getting a tremendous solace and was working with zeal and vigor.

Those doves were giving him strength and courage to fulfill his dreams and hopes.

With the doves he was moving to all corners of the globe.


When all the doves became white he was merged in serenity and tranquility.

Loving those in the inner most corner of his heart he was merged in peace and bliss.

The doves were filling his brain,body and mind with divinity.

He was feeling safe and sound experiencing the divine in each part of his body.


The energies in him were transformed and he moved in a new dimension of life.

In that dimension he only experinced peace and bliss.

Seeing the Lord there he imbibed His powers and fought the battle with perfection and beauty.

Moving on the Lord the doves were becoming illumined.


That was a turning point in his life being enlightened amidst intense worries and anxieties.

Being exitremely motivated he was loving all his thoughts feeling vibrant and dynamic.

Thoughts of power were giving him courage and confidence and with all love he was embracing the Almighty.

Defintely Lord will listen to him in this world of chaos and conflicts.


He will remove all his sorrows,worries,anxieties and grief.

Loving the Lord he will be able to manufacture lot of white doves creating a dynamic and vibrant surrounding.

Motivating self and others he will better serve his family,organization and society.

Amidst intense worries the white doves have made him illumined.


The doves were feeling pity for him getting the touch of the divine.

Those were serving him all the time in fulfilling his hopes and dreams.

He was not alone and the doves were with him.

He was seeing all the doves in equal footing.


To convert the doves to white he had learned the secret alchemy.

He was advancing on the path of life with alchemic brain,body and mind.

Inside each dove he was seeing the Lord's blessings.

For any thought, beautiful or ugly he was not worried.


He had the ability to convert all the doves to white.

There by no harm will come out from him and he will only be guided by the messages of the divine.

Working with courage and determination he was developing a tremendous faith on the divine.

From all the unscrupulous thoughts the divine will protect him and make his life sublime.


He was not worried for the any kind of thought arising in his mind.

He was working feeling serene and tranquil having understood in life the secret alchemy.

His alchemic brain,body and mind were helping him in fulfilling his hopes and dreams.

Converting the doves in to white he was being thrilled in his brain,body and mind.


The doves will go on spreading the messages of the divine making him afresh and alive.

He will love the doves arising in his mind till the last breath of his life.

From all the dangers the doves will protect him and he will be able to overcome the challenges with love and smiles.

The doves will help each and every individual coming in contact with him.


He was resting in peace seeing the doves spreading all around the globe.

He was contributing to the peace and harmony of the society creating for him and others new scopes.

Lord will strengthen his alchemic brain,body and mind to serve in a better manner his family,organization and society creating for all genuine hopes.

Under the stars filled sky with the full moon he was observing the silent doves filling his mind with the sweetest songs.

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