Health & Medical sports & Exercise

The Importance of the Kettlebell Swing

Usually the first of the many kettlebell exercises taught to anyone is the kettlebell swing.
It is one of the most fundamentally important kettlebell moves but as a 'beginner' move and often thought of as 'too basic' to be of any great use, many people stop using the swing once they get into the more 'advanced moves like the snatch, clean and press, bent press, the Turkish get up etc which are all great moves and well worth progressing to but by also keeping the swing integrated into your training, you will increase your results and even improve your proficiency at other moves.
Wait a minute - what is the kettlebell swing? The kettlebell swing is the precursor to many other moves and before moving on it is advisable to first become practiced in the art of the swing.
Start by placing your kettlebell between your feet back towards your heels or just behind.
Stand with a shoulder width stance or slightly wider, ensure throughout the entire movement you keep your shoulders back, head up and back straight with the natural curvature in your lower back.
Sink backwards with your hips, your shins should remain vertical and your torso should come forward, grab the kettlebell handle with both hands.
Now rise up, snapping your hips forward as you near the top, the momentum should send the kettlebell in an arc going out and up.
Your arms should remain straight throughout the movement but not locked out.
It is common for you to rise onto your toes with the momentum and upward force created, just ease back onto your heel as you begin the decent.
As as the kettle bell descends back down sit back again with your hips, keeping your shins vertical and allow the kettlebell to track down in in a smooth arc between your knees and then reverse the movement back upwards into another hip snap.
This 'hip snap' is important to master as this is where the main force for the kettlebell movement should be coming from, your arms should only be guiding and controlling the movement while your hip snap generates it.
Once you have mastered this two handed kettlebell swing you can try other variations like the one handed swing where you just one hand instead of two or the double one hander's where you use both hands but a separate kettlebell in each one.
Because the kettlebell swing is the basis of many other kettlebell exercises, by regularly performing it and improving your technique, endurance and strength in this move, you will also in turn improve your ability in other related moves.
By grabbing a heavier kettlebell and performing swings you will increase power and strength, while by grabbing a lighter kettlebell and going for a much higher rep range you will improve your endurance and give your cardio system a great work out while getting in a great weight loss workout.
Whatever your goal and whatever your ability grab a kettlebell today and start swinging your way into great results.

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