The Funny Side of Marriage
It takes a lot for marriage to go around.
There are good times, hard time, touch times, easy times, sad times and yes there is even a funny side of marriage.
Too often couples fail to see the funny side of marriage.
This is partly because many of the funny times are right smack in the middle of some of the toughest situations.
Couples who learn early on how to identify these funny opportunities often discover a secret to prevent bigger problems in the marriage from developing.
A lot of arguments in marriage are actually over some of the smallest and actually silly things.
If when these crazy arguments get started if the couple could just rise above the harsh and mean words just for a minute to realize what the argument is really about most of the time laughter would quickly escape rather than another harsh word.
Who does not enjoy a good comedy on occasion but often the chance to enjoy the best comedy in our own life is missed because we are so intent on continuing the argument.
Learning to laugh at our situations can be the best thing you can do to stop an argument.
Laughter is said to be a good medicine and it just may be the best medicine for your ailing marriage.
One word of advice about laughing during an argument, make sure you can laugh at yourself and the situation not at your spouse.
Being able to do this will actually create a very special private bond with your spouse and instead of a problem getting bigger the problem will disappear in the laughter at yourself.
One warning about finding the funny side of marriage, it is almost a surety there will be a warm embrace to follow.
Prevent a snow ball or even an avalanche from developing by looking for the lighter side of things.
There are good times, hard time, touch times, easy times, sad times and yes there is even a funny side of marriage.
Too often couples fail to see the funny side of marriage.
This is partly because many of the funny times are right smack in the middle of some of the toughest situations.
Couples who learn early on how to identify these funny opportunities often discover a secret to prevent bigger problems in the marriage from developing.
A lot of arguments in marriage are actually over some of the smallest and actually silly things.
If when these crazy arguments get started if the couple could just rise above the harsh and mean words just for a minute to realize what the argument is really about most of the time laughter would quickly escape rather than another harsh word.
Who does not enjoy a good comedy on occasion but often the chance to enjoy the best comedy in our own life is missed because we are so intent on continuing the argument.
Learning to laugh at our situations can be the best thing you can do to stop an argument.
Laughter is said to be a good medicine and it just may be the best medicine for your ailing marriage.
One word of advice about laughing during an argument, make sure you can laugh at yourself and the situation not at your spouse.
Being able to do this will actually create a very special private bond with your spouse and instead of a problem getting bigger the problem will disappear in the laughter at yourself.
One warning about finding the funny side of marriage, it is almost a surety there will be a warm embrace to follow.
Prevent a snow ball or even an avalanche from developing by looking for the lighter side of things.