Health & Medical Body building

How to Increase Vertical - Do the Work and Get the Results!

Jumping is an essential part of sports.
No matter what sport you are playing, jumping or some kind of motion similar to leaping or jumping is needed to perform at the highest of levels.
A good vertical jump is needed in basketball to leap higher towards the basket.
Vertical jumps are needed in football so the receiver can leap to catch the high pass.
There are several exercises that an athlete can do to increase their vertical jump and if they stick to a regular regimen they will find out before long they will be in the limelight.
When it comes to jumping the obvious thing that you have to look at is exercising the legs.
It is the legs that give you a springboard for jumping.
When it comes to the glutes and thighs the first exercise you should look into is parallel squats.
Weighted squats will add muscle to the thighs and hamstrings.
You can also do the assistance exercises such as leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls.
Several days a week training these bodyparts should suffice.
The calf muscles provide a lower spring and cushion for vertical leaping and should be trained properly.
Calf raises are excellent for adding stregnth to the calves.
Repetitive leaping is an exercise that is used by all coaches and trainers regardless of what sport that you are participating in.
The one thing though is to make sure that you have athletic sports shoes on all times when performing these exercises.
If you do these exercises properly then you will find out that your vertical jump will increase.
You can go online and do some research yourself or you can consult in a trainer.
The vertical jump is essential no matter what sport you are playing in.

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