Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Reprimand a Supervisor

    • 1). Write down the problem. Before you confront your supervisor, write out all of the issues that need to be addressed. If it is an ongoing problem, keep a small journal with the dates, times and details of any incidents. You may need this later if you decide to speak to someone of higher authority than your supervisor.

    • 2). Approach your supervisor at a convenient time. Speak to her as soon as possible and arrange a meeting in private when she is not weighed down with work or other stress, even if it means waiting for a few days. She will be more receptive if she is having a better day or is not rushed by multiple tasks.

    • 3). Find a secluded place to talk. When you are ready to reprimand your supervisor, choose a place that is not within earshot of any other employees. The last thing either of you want to deal with is office gossip, especially if you manage to resolve the problem amicably.

    • 4). Be assertive. Carefully and clearly lay out your arguments and explain how these issues affected you. For example, if your supervisor made a personal comment like "it seems you can't do anything right," tell him how it hurt you and that you did not appreciate the unprofessional behavior. Refer to your written notes for accuracy.

    • 5). Give your supervisor a chance to respond. Once you finish explaining your side of the problem, let your supervisor speak without interrupting. This can be a turning point, because it may reveal any misunderstandings and lend context to the issue. You might even discover that your supervisor meant nothing personal, or that her attitude was the result of several bad days or prolonged trouble at home.

    • 6). Evaluate the outcome. If you and your supervisor have resolved the issues, then everything worked out. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If so, your only other alternative is to speak to one of his superiors.

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