Business & Finance Business Information

Miscellaneous Advice for Start Up Mobile Oil Change Business Entrepreneurs

After giving free consulting to a college student setting up a business plan for a college class on a fictitious project of setting up a mobile oil change service company, he asked me a rather interesting question.
His attempt was to try to sum it all up in one quick dialogue.
Well, it's a complicated business model, so it's not that easy.
Nevertheless, let's talk.
Specifically his question was; what other advice would you give a startup company in the mobile oil change industry? (In this case this is just for a school assignment, but we are attempting to mimic a real startup as closely as possible).
As much as I hate to say this, my advice was "don't do it" and you the reader might ask; why not.
After all, it's only a fake business plan for a quick grade in college right? Well, I don't see it that way.
You see, I've written 100s of real business plans in my day, but usually I learn enough along the way to save me from a future fall, as not every business model is even remotely viable.
Further, there are many other service businesses that are more profitable and less labor intensive, this is no time for a labor intensive business.
Of course, even before I could give my replay, they told me; "We cannot thank you enough in advance for your time to read through this and hopefully respond.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
" Students need to do their homework now, understand the industries they peek into intimately, because a simple web search won't cut it in the real world, not when real capital is involved.
I suggested that they do a little more reading and think about.
I told them not to be so quick to fall in love with a bad idea, and no, not all ideas are not equally yoked or created equally.
You see, you must remember I am an entrepreneur, a real one, I am blunt, but still students and entrepreneurs need that to offset their groupthink business planning.
Like many business models in the US today, some simply are too labor intensive, over regulated and legal challenges, mobile oil changing might be close to being one of those, and there are simpler ways to make money, yes, even in the auto service sector.
How's that for a little miscellaneous advice you never thought you'd get with regards to changing oil on a mobile basis? Please consider all this and think on it.

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