3 Penis Enlargement Tips
There are people who believe that the size of a man's penis is affected by his race.
They say that certain races have bigger tools than others do.
They further say that how hard or how erect a penis gets is also affected by race.
Do you believe these ideas? Do you think there is truth to what they are saying? If this is true, then what a pity to those who have been born to races that have small tools.
If they learn about this, their sense of nationalism might be affected.
The good thing is they no longer need to suffer from something they had nothing to do about because there are now ways to increase a man's penis.
Here are some penis enlargement tips that you can follow.
One way to increase the size of your penis is to undergo surgery.
This is said to be the surest way to get the size you want.
You can tell the doctor who will do the procedure on you how long you want your penis to be.
You can even tell him how wide you want it to be after the operation.
The procedure itself is not very long but you have to wait a while before you can use your tool for sex.
One downside to surgery is that there are risks involved but this is expected of any surgical procedure.
To be sure, go to the right doctor.
Another downside is that this procedure will require you to spend a considerable amount of money so if you still do not have the budget for it, better start saving up now.
You can also use penis enlargement devices like penis enlargement pumps.
A penis enlargement pump is a cylindrical device worn over your penis.
It creates suction on it.
This suctioning forces more blood to flow to the blood chambers in the penis.
This increase in the amount of blood causes the chambers to stretch and as they are stretched, the cell walls are broken down.
This paves the way for newer and bigger cells to grow.
The good thing about this is that the increase in size of the chambers not only affects the size of your penis in general but it also allows more blood to be taken in during erection giving you a fuller and harder one.
There are two kinds of pumps to choose from.
There are penis pumps that can be operated manually and there are pumps that are motorized.
They generally give the same results.
Another penis enlargement tip is to use creams or lotions.
These are topical products so you do not need to be afraid of taking something oral that could have some side effects.
However, being topical does not necessarily mean there are no side effects.
In fact, you can exhibit allergic reactions to it.
To make sure that you are not allergic to it, follow the allergy tests that are usually printed on the product label.
They say that certain races have bigger tools than others do.
They further say that how hard or how erect a penis gets is also affected by race.
Do you believe these ideas? Do you think there is truth to what they are saying? If this is true, then what a pity to those who have been born to races that have small tools.
If they learn about this, their sense of nationalism might be affected.
The good thing is they no longer need to suffer from something they had nothing to do about because there are now ways to increase a man's penis.
Here are some penis enlargement tips that you can follow.
One way to increase the size of your penis is to undergo surgery.
This is said to be the surest way to get the size you want.
You can tell the doctor who will do the procedure on you how long you want your penis to be.
You can even tell him how wide you want it to be after the operation.
The procedure itself is not very long but you have to wait a while before you can use your tool for sex.
One downside to surgery is that there are risks involved but this is expected of any surgical procedure.
To be sure, go to the right doctor.
Another downside is that this procedure will require you to spend a considerable amount of money so if you still do not have the budget for it, better start saving up now.
You can also use penis enlargement devices like penis enlargement pumps.
A penis enlargement pump is a cylindrical device worn over your penis.
It creates suction on it.
This suctioning forces more blood to flow to the blood chambers in the penis.
This increase in the amount of blood causes the chambers to stretch and as they are stretched, the cell walls are broken down.
This paves the way for newer and bigger cells to grow.
The good thing about this is that the increase in size of the chambers not only affects the size of your penis in general but it also allows more blood to be taken in during erection giving you a fuller and harder one.
There are two kinds of pumps to choose from.
There are penis pumps that can be operated manually and there are pumps that are motorized.
They generally give the same results.
Another penis enlargement tip is to use creams or lotions.
These are topical products so you do not need to be afraid of taking something oral that could have some side effects.
However, being topical does not necessarily mean there are no side effects.
In fact, you can exhibit allergic reactions to it.
To make sure that you are not allergic to it, follow the allergy tests that are usually printed on the product label.