Health & Medical Healthy Living

Home Remedy for Keloids


    • This type of scar normally is found where burns, cuts, bites or acne have occurred. But some keloids occur without previous trauma, particularly on the breastbone area. The scars are usually smooth, shiny, thick and big. Normally, there are no symptoms with keloids but sometimes they are itchy or tender to the touch, especially when they are beginning to form.


    • When damage tears skin, collagen forms quickly at the injured area as part of the healing process. Keloids occur when an improper amount of collagen growth occurs in a scar. If there is debris in the wound, the collagen fibers will be laid erratically. This growth will recur if the keloid is cut from skin, making this type of scar especially problematic.


    • To prevent permanent scar formation, try putting aloe vera gel on the wound. Other methods include mixing sandalwood paste with rose water and applying it to the scar. Leave it on overnight and wash off the next morning. Or, mix a paste of sandalwood powder and black gram. Leave it on the scar overnight and wash it off with cold water in the morning.

      Rubbing lemon juice on the scar may help fade it, as lemon juice helps lighten scars. Put honey on the scar several times each day or apply oil of lavender to scars with a cotton ball twice a day. Massaging the scar with coconut oil or olive oil also may help lighten a scar. Applying vitamin E to scars may help them fade after a few weeks.

      Make a paste by mixing 1 tbsp. of fuller's earth, 1 tsp. of lime juice and 1 tsp. of rose water. Put the paste on the scarred area and massage. Let the mixture dry. Add another layer of paste. Leave this layer on the scar for 10 minutes and wash with cold water.

      Massage is also helpful for scars. Massage stiff scars a few times a day to break down tissue and make scars softer.

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