Health & Medical Mental Health

Eliminate Your Stress Fast

Drop that stress now! Why do you put up with all the frustration, grief, anxiety, worry and stress? Stress results when you allow too much chaos into your life.
You can quickly lose your sense of self-worth and without attention to the elimination of some things; you will simply go over the edge.
Stressed-out folks are often coping with daily life hassles and also carrying some problems that do not belong to them.
These uncontrollable problems tear away the little joy and happiness that life can bring since we already carry our own burdens.
There are several ways to manage stress, and eventually remove it out of your life.
Let us examine seven actions you can take.
Acknowledge that some stress is good -- Make stress your friend! Based on the natural fight or flight response, a burst of stress energy can enhance your performance when properly used.
Most athletes intensely focus and increase their stress level prior to their performance in competition.
You can use stress wisely to push yourself a little bit harder when you need the slight edge.
Avoid stress promoters -- Some people just spread stress.
Avoid them before you catch what they are trying to pass off.
Protect yourself by recognizing the stress in others and limit your contact with them.
Or, if you need to help them, teach them how to better manage themselves.
Learn from the best -- Observe who seems calm in a stressful environment.
Find out their secret.
What are they thinking, planning? What are they doing differently? What is their attitude? What language do they use? Try to figure them out or just ask them how do they do it? Learn from the best stress managers.
Copy them.
Practice relaxed breathing -- You can trick your body into relaxing by using heavy, paced breathing.
Breathe in slowly counting to six, exhale slowly counting to ten.
Repeat a 6 and 10 breathing cycle until your heart rate slows down, your nerves loosen, your palms dry off and you start to feel more in control.
Reject stress thoughts immediately -- Is it possible to tangle yourself up in a stress-knot all by yourself? You bet.
It is what you let into your mind that counts.
Most of the things you think about, worry about - never happen, so why waste all that stress energy.
Stop negative stress thoughts when they start.
So what if something might go wrong? How likely is it anyway, and what will you do if it does? 6.
Know your own stress trigger points -- What stresses you out? Are meetings, interviews, phone calls, customers, direct reports, giving difficult feedback, tight deadlines causing you stress? Does your anxiety increase as you think about these? Make your personal list of stress triggers.
Are there some other aspects? For example, what do you eat or drink? Knowing what causes you stress is powerful information, as you can take action to make it less stressful.
Do you need to learn some new skills? Do you need extra resources? Do you need to switch to decaf, eliminate alcohol, sugar, etc? Just do it and be free.
Do not burn your candle at both ends -- Big time stress causes are the lack of sleep, poor diet and no exercise.
They will wreak havoc on your body and mind.
There is no way to minimize stress if we burn out our physical and mental self.
It seems obvious, but it is the most often ignored.
Get your sleep.
At least 7-8 hours every day are needed by most people.
If you do not get what is needed, you are running on an empty tank.
Once rested, perspectives change.
It is easier to not worry and be happy when you have slept, eaten, and exercised well.
Put out the flame on one end of your candle, and see the light.
Stress is a true killer.
It kills your health, your time management, your joy, your friendships, your wealth, and your long-term piece of mind.
Eliminate it today.
The choice is yours.

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