Meditation for Stress and Panic Attack Relief
If you've been dealing with Panic Attacks for any period of time, you will know that you are willing to try just about anything to get rid of them. I have found that using meditation can help relieve some of the panic attack symptoms and give you more inner peace.
Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, thinking mind and into a deeper state of relaxation and awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. This in turn will give us a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.
How Does Meditation Work?
Meditation works differently for different people, but, for the most part, meditation puts your mind at rest. Your mind most of the day is working very hard. It's under a lot of stress with our jobs, taking care of our families, driving, daily errands, along with also processing all the environmental things that we encounter, such as sights, smells and sounds. When we sleep, our mind does rest, but, if you are under a lot of stress, even sleep will not allow your mind to totally shut down, this is when you would need meditation to give your mind a break.
Meditation will deal with the most difficult area that you are going through right away. It is not looking for a solution, but, for a way to accept what you are dealing with. While this is happening, things are also happening to your body. Your nervous system activity will decrease, your heart rate will slow down, blood pressure will lower, your metabolic rate will decrease and your oxygen intake can fall as much as 20% below normal.
What Are the Benefits of Meditation?
The most common benefits are:
Increase in patience
Enjoyment in life and feelings of serenity
Dealing with repressed memories
Resolves some phobias and fears, like Panic Attacks
Builds self confidence
Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation
Relaxes our nervous system
Helps control own thoughts
Develop will power
Increased emotional stability
Decreased tendency to worry
Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, thinking mind and into a deeper state of relaxation and awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. This in turn will give us a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.
How Does Meditation Work?
Meditation works differently for different people, but, for the most part, meditation puts your mind at rest. Your mind most of the day is working very hard. It's under a lot of stress with our jobs, taking care of our families, driving, daily errands, along with also processing all the environmental things that we encounter, such as sights, smells and sounds. When we sleep, our mind does rest, but, if you are under a lot of stress, even sleep will not allow your mind to totally shut down, this is when you would need meditation to give your mind a break.
Meditation will deal with the most difficult area that you are going through right away. It is not looking for a solution, but, for a way to accept what you are dealing with. While this is happening, things are also happening to your body. Your nervous system activity will decrease, your heart rate will slow down, blood pressure will lower, your metabolic rate will decrease and your oxygen intake can fall as much as 20% below normal.
What Are the Benefits of Meditation?
The most common benefits are:
Increase in patience
Enjoyment in life and feelings of serenity
Dealing with repressed memories
Resolves some phobias and fears, like Panic Attacks
Builds self confidence
Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation
Relaxes our nervous system
Helps control own thoughts
Develop will power
Increased emotional stability
Decreased tendency to worry