How to Make an Artificial Grave Blanket
- 1). Hot glue your piece of floral foam to your wooden board. This gives the piece a stable foundation. Wrap the chicken wire around the floral foam, stapling the edges to the underside of the board. This gives you a structure for making the blanket.
- 2). Insert 24-inch branches into the floral foam through the chicken wire in a circle around the foam's base. Push them firmly into the foam, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Add another layer of branches 20 inches long, right above the first layer, covering the gaps between the first layer of branches.
- 3). Add a second layer of 20-inch branches about an inch above the second layer. Continue with a third layer of 18-inch branches, and a fourth of 14-inch branches. Fill in gaps and add a layer around the top edge of the foam with 8-inch branches. Snip your branches to different sizes with scissors.
- 4). Slip artificial flower stems into the chicken wire on top of the foam. Place the largest blooms in the center and work your way out to the smallest, tucking some of the flowers at the edges between the 8-inch branch layer.
- 5). Snip 10-inch lengths of ribbon and tie them into bows. Slip a length of floral wire through the bottom center of each bow. Fill in gaps between flowers with these, or embellish the edges of the top of the foam.