Decorations for a Disco Party
- A disco party should have a dance floor. The dance floor gives the partygoers a place to congregate and a have fun. One idea is to use 12" by 12" tile squares on the floor for easy cleanup. Those planning in advance can also find websites that sell dance floors, including light-up versions like those seen in disco movies from the 1970s.
- Lighting is an important part of disco party decorations because it sets the mood for the whole night. Those planning and decorating for the party will find it helpful to look for lights that have a disco or 1970s theme. Black lights like those once used in real discos are a great touch. Another way to use themed lighting in the room is to opt for old fashioned looking lava lamps. These lights will replace the regular lights used in the room.
- Wall decorations are used to increase the disco theme of the party. Many people have found it helpful to hang records popular during the disco craze on the walls of the main room. The "Staying Alive" film soundtrack, Olivia Newton John and Blondie are a few options. Disco balls also can be used. Disco balls are available in different colors and sizes, and many run on batteries so the host doesn't have to worry about installation.
- Seating is an important part of any party because guests will want a comfortable spot to sit and relax. With disco parties, the seating can be part of the design or decoration scheme. The seating should be similar to those found in the older discos such as black couches, or couches with velour throws covering the original cushions. Some have also used beanbag chairs and low-slung couches or chairs near the dance floor to add to the atmosphere. Another tip is to use older vinyl barstools, especially if there's a bar set up at the party.
- The other decorations for a disco party fall under the category of accessories because they add to the atmosphere, but aren't necessary. A beaded curtain hung over the bathroom door or over the main entrance to the party adds a nice touch. Others have used incense burning in the background to add to the atmosphere. There are many stores selling incense burners and sticks. The host can also give guests something to take home, such as a pet rock or disco ball key chain.