Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

The World Longs and Waits for the Best Christmas Ever - 2007

If I would sit and write to you about Christmas presents, Christmas bows, all underneath the Christmas tree and the mistletoe, I would have one wish that I would want the world to know.
It would have to include my grown-up Christmas Wish.
This wish would not just be for me; but, for a world in need.
As I was awakening from my sleep one morning as the sound of the alarm was going off, this song happened to be playing on the radio.
Now, I know I probably heard this song many times before but this time it just seemed to have a different sound.
My ears just listened to the lyrics as they gripped me with their full attention.
All of a sudden, it was like I heard this song for the very first time.
The song went like this.
It's called, "My Grown Up Christmas List.
" Do you remember me; I sat upon your knee; I wrote to you with childhood fantasies; Well, I'm all grown up now; And still need help somehow; I'm not a child but my heart still can dream; So here's my lifelong wish; My grown up Christmas list; Not for myself; But for a world in need.
No more lives torn apart; That wars would never start; And time would heal all hearts; And everyone would have a friend; And right would always win; And love would never end; This is my grown up Christmas list.
As children we believed the grandest sight to see; was something lovely wrapped beneath our tree; Well heaven surely knows; that packages and bows; can never heal a hurting human soul.
What is this illusion called the innocence of youth; Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth; Then there would be; No more lives torn apart; That wars would never start; And time would heal all hearts; And everyone would have a friend; And right would always win; And love would never end; This is my grown up Christmas list.
Well if you're a dreamer like me, then you can dream and believe.
Yes, our world is in desperate need for peace.
People long for love, they earnestly await for peace.
People will pay any kind of money just to relieve stress and take a vacation to at least taste a sample of what everyone longs and needs on an everyday basis.
I could talk about the health benefits this would have as well; but, I'll save it for another time.
For now, I just want you to think with me.
Wow, just think if everyone had this on their Christmas list and really made it a part of their everyday lives to sow peace and not discord, where would our world be.
When my children say to me, what would you like for Christmas?I say to them, you don't have to buy me anything if you can just get along, love one another, treat each other with respect like you would want to be treated, and help your brothers and sisters out when they need it because you have the heart to do so.
And, please, in that process don't forget to include your mom.
Help her because you want to honor and respect the life she has given and imparted to you.
Along with that, why don't you just pick up the clothes, the papers, the obstacles, that you jump over because they are not yours?Be responsible for your own belongings, please don't keep losing your keys, and quit acting like your 2 year olds saying that everything's mine, and when you don't get what you want hitting whoever is in your way!I think the best song and the worst song ever played on certain particular days is, "Mom!" Well, I'm sure you know the response to all of this.
It is so much easier to buy a present that you may or may not like then to change the way our minds think about how we live.
Granted, I would not expect my entire list to be completed for Christmas from my children.
However, if they could give me at least one of those items for my birthday, mother's day, Christmas, I would just be ecstatic.
Considering my 5 children, the list should be knocked out quite quickly.
Peace at my house would just be a blessing.
No more fighting, no more calling names, no more lying, no more I'll do it tomorrow, just bottom line "no more!"As children or as adults, if we look to put others first and try to understand the shoes they wear, maybe and just maybe, we will have a different perspective for other people, other races, other cultures, other world affairs, other religions, other financial classes, other people's reasoning of why they do or don't do the things they do.
Considering this point, the list could go on and on.
However, when we're out to help another instead of looking at getting ahead of another, we all could have a prosperous & peaceful life.
I tell you this because I know my house is not the only house that has these scenes occur.
It's just a small piece of the world we live in.
Family drama today is probably at an all time high along with family divorce, single parents, lonely people without anyone in the world to share Christmas with.
Even though you may be having a Rockwell Christmas,there is a world that is crying and moaning for the hands, the arms, the support, a tissue as the tears come down from loneliness to deaths of loved ones, and they just want the burden to be lifted up off their shoulders and the pain taken away.
Some people long to just have families.
Children alone cry to have just a mom and dad.
How ironic when these children are placed in homes.
They are so grateful.
Grateful hearts because they went without; and, now they have what they longed for, a family.
I'm in no way here to bring a damper on your holiday cheer.
I just want to say, don't take your days or life for granted.
Make the most of your life.
Make it count towards another loss soul in the world.
Live to love, and love to give, love peace and become a peacemaker, bring joy into your heart so your heart can give joy to others who lost their joy, have patience with yourself to become the fullest person you were destined to be so your patience can be freely given to a world that lives in the fast track of life without patience at all, kindness and goodness goes along way to everyone your in connection with.
With this recipe for life, how can we go wrong? If you feel you don't have the ingredients to make this recipe a success, get around someone that has it ingrained in their system.
They surely will be able to teach you and impart to you the lacking ingredients of your own life.
Let's live for love, let's live for peace, let's make a difference and a change in our world.
Let your Christmas wish not be for just today, but for tomorrow.
Let your Christmas wish not be just for you, but for your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your community, your state, your nation, and your world.
What power it would be if everyone wanted the same thing for Christmas! Always remember God is LOVE!Without His Love, I would have nothing to give you.
Without his redemption of my joy, I would have nothing to give you.
I have lost much in life, but in the process have gained much through my loses.
In HIM, I live and have my being.
His present to me was given out of true unconditional love.
Allow His love to overtake you and transform you into who you were created to be.
He is and was the author of life, he designed and fashioned you for a purpose.
His love can heal the broken places of your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul.
Jesus is and was the reason for this season.
Open up your hearts to him, and allow his liquid love to coat and soak every area of your life preparing you for this next New Year.
This love is not bottled up in a building.
It's unwrapped in a human heart by a simple prayer.
Religion can't get you this love; but, a true relationship with a living God can.
God still speaks today; can you hear the sound of His love towards you?Unwrap the best present of all that will last you a lifetime and not just a Christmas.
In that present lies many treasures, many gifts, much love and peace, and it shall be enough to spread across a lost and dying world.
Merry Christmas!

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