Insurance Disability Insurance

Do"s and Don"ts for Social Security Disability

This guide gives 4 do's and 4 don'ts on social security disability law.
There is a lot of information online, but some of it is simply wrong, some has not been updated in years, and some almost reads like trigonometry.
This guide is an updated resource you can come back to again and again during the disability process.
Do Apply for Benefits Many believe the legal hassle in getting disability is simply not worth it.
True, it often does take months if not years, but remember: if you get approved, all those past months you had your condition can result in a quite large disability check.
(In other words, from the moment of your condition to now, all in one big check.
) That can turn your finances around in a second, and allow you to get on proper medical coverage.
Do Get Legal Counsel You need a lawyer if you want to succeed.
Without a lawyer, you will not be able to fill out all the paperwork, appeal if necessary, and get the proper compensation you deserve.
Hire legal counsel who specializes in disability law.
Do file An Appeal The myth is that first applications for disabilities are always denied.
The truth is that first applications are often filled out incorrectly, or the proof for your condition isn't enough.
There is a chance, even with evidence on your side, you will be denied.
Be ready to immediately file an appeal, as you may get it on the second try.
Do Ask for Doctor Aid In other words, ask your doctor to help prove your condition.
This can and should be done.
He or she is the professional who knows and understands what's wrong.
Don't Give Up Early As noted, many first applications are denied.
Don't give up on your first, second, even third try.
It's more than worth it if you keep going.
Don't Fail to Give Proper Info Give all your medical and financial information to the SSA.
If, according to them, you are ineligible based on your records, do not give up.
Don't Lie Be completely honest with the SSA, your doctor, the doctor they send you to, and your lawyer.
This only benefits you.
If you have a condition, be completely honest about it.
Don't try to make your condition appear different than it is.
You might lie about your condition, hoping this leads to success.
You may try to fake your injury.
You may lie about your ability to work.
You may be embarrassed about your condition and try to make it look less like a disability.
You must be honest.
Don't Avoid Treatment If you are diagnosed with a problem, one important element in proof is that you are being treated for it.
Mental conditions, for example, can be more difficult to prove early on; only when a doctor has evaluated you and given you proper medicine can the treatment take effect.
If you are going to apply for disability, you need proof your problem merits help.
Therefore, treatment is necessary.

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