Health & Medical Nutrition

Grow Your Own Vegetables & Strawberries

Grow your own vegetables . I can think of nothing nicer than eating really fresh vegetables that you have just picked from your garden. They taste so fresh and full of flavour.

One of the reasons for this is because when you use something that has just been picked the sugars in the plant have not had time to turn into carbohydrates. Therefore the food tastes so much sweeter.

A very good example of this is to grow your own strawberries and do the taste test. I have done it many times. This little exercise also makes you appreciate so much more the rich deep aroma and flavour of home grown vegetables.

The Strawberry Taste Test
Buy a pack of strawberries from the store, wash them and put them into a bowl.
Pick some of your own strawberries, wash and place them in a bowl.
Get a willing volunteer (they shouldn't be too hard to find for this experiment)
Blind fold the volunteer
Place two strawberries in front of them (one from each bowl)
Ask them which is the best.
Do the test yourself by asking someone to place two strawberries in front of you and just savour the difference.

This principle is true about any fruit and vegetable. Not only do you get an exceptional taste difference you also get a much greater variety of produce to choose from.

One of the things I love the most about having an allotment is the different variety of vegetables that we grow that you cannot get at the stores. This makes cooking and eating home cooked meals that much more enjoyable.

It pays great dividends to invest in growing your own vegetables and fruit. As long as you plan properly for each of your different vegetable beds you will find that you will save money and also get fit because of the physical exercise that is involved in gardening.

If you want the least manual solution to growing fruit and vegetables then opt for raised beds, they are smaller and easier to maintain as each year instead of digging your plot over you keep building up the soil levels on each individual bed.

You get to appreciate how nature works as you get to see all kinds of birds and insects (some good as well as bad) as you work along side of them. It's lovely to see a robin sit on an old gardening tool handle while he waits for you to finish turning the soil so that he can get a nice worm to eat.

If you haven't gardened before you have a whole wonderful learning experience ahead of you.

It is a wonderful activity to get the whole family involved in. It teaches children where some of their food comes from. It lets them get excited as they watch the cress, radish and other fast growing vegetables spring up ready to eat in a matter of weeks.

Kids love to harvest the food. In our family we all love picking the sweet delicious peas in summer half never arrive home as we are all too busy eating them while we are picking them. It is just the best.

Give your children the opportunity to be healthy and enjoy making food themselves by letting them get involved in growing it in the first place.

Most of all though you get to enjoy food that is exactly how nature intended full vitamins and tasting wonderful. So give it a go and grow your own vegetables and strawberries.

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