Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Peace After Divorce - 7 Tips On How To Regain Your Peace Of Mind After Divorce

When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.
- George Harrison When the door shuts on your marriage it can feel like a land mine going off in your head - every thought creating an uncomfortable explosion of fear: how am I going to make it on my own, how am I going to move forward, how am I going to support myself, how am I going to make the transition a positive and healthy one for my children, who will our friends rally to support, and most importantly, who am I? Peace of mind is what you need to give you clear vision and courage for your future.
This requires awareness and conscious actions as studies have indicated the average person experiences more than 100,000 repetitive thoughts per day, and most of them are not positive beliefs.
So it's time to wave the white flag of surrender and gather some new peace-based strategies to end your warring mind.
If you follow any of the following 7 tips you will be well on your way to a peaceful existence: 1.
Laughing - laughter is the sunshine of the soul.
When you laugh you release endorphins bringing happiness and joy to your being.
When you are happy and living in the moment you forget about your problems - giving your mind some welcome relief.
Spend more time playing and having fun.
Support Groups -find support groups that don't focus on rehashing the past but instead help you move forward with positive guidance and action steps for a happy, healthier you.
Connect with nature - a walk along the beach or in the mountains can calm the most crazed mind.
It's important to actually make connection with the earth - walking on concrete won't give you the same benefit as walking on good ole' Mother Earth.
Yoga - focusing on the breath and feeling your way into the poses will clear your thoughts and lessen their importance.
Connecting with your inner source and strength will bring your mind, body and spirit into a very peaceful alignment.
Meditate - if you can sit quietly for ten minutes, concentrating on the silence that is your soul and repeat the mantra, "I Am," you will be able to open to universal knowledge and gain insight that will help you resolve the issues that are bothering you.
Flotation tank - an enclosed chamber filled with a saturated solution of Epsom salts.
The chamber is pitch-black and silent.
Without any noise or light to distract , you feel detached, free, at peace.
It takes you back to the womb- only you connecting with you.
Complete bliss.
Music - could there be anything better than your all time favorite song to get you out of a sucky mood? Start movin' your booty a bit and voila, instant euphoria.
Any of the above suggestions will help you shake off the evil twins, Gloom and Doom, and bring you to a brighter place.
The key to overcoming sadness and fear is to know what works for you.

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