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Stop Paying For Electricity, Get it For Free

Do you hate paying for electricity? Do you have to adjust your budget every month because the electricity company keeps increasing the price of power? The obvious solution would be to own the electricity company but there is a much easier way to save money on your utility bill.
Go green, save money and harness the power of the sun and wind.
There is an unlimited supply of both.
The cost of installing solar panels and wind turbines are very expensive.
Now there is a cheaper way to set yourself up to use solar and wind power.
No knowledge of electricity or engineering is needed.
Harnessing the power of the sun and wind has been practiced since the beginning of time.
The Greeks and Romans positioned their buildings to take advantage of the sun in winter to keep them warm and the wind in summer to keep cool.
Windmills were used extensively to grind grains and pumping water to irrigate their crops.
Modern technology has made such a difference in our lives.
We are able to harness the power of the sun and wind to generate power to run our homes.
Generally most people get their power from an electric company, they receive their account and pay it without thinking.
There are others that moan and groan about the cost of electricity, but are not prepared to do anything to save money, so they whinge and pay up.
Others choose to conserve energy and pay less for electricity.
By using the free elements available you can get it for free.
If you are handy in the do-it-yourself department and would like to save money, this project is definitely a must.
Learn how to build solar panels and wind turbines at a fraction of the cost.

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