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How to Make a Woman Desperate to Want to Date You

A lot of guys run into trouble when they have to keep themselves together in the face of an attractive girl.
The end up coming off as a bumbling guy who would go to any lengths to get a woman to date them.
If you want to be successful in the dating world, you've got to avoid this major hurdle.
The bottom line is that the key to making a woman desperate to date you is pure self control.
You have to keep your own emotions in check and make sure that you aren't the one who appears desperate.
By controlling yourself completely, you'll have her desperate to be your one and only.
Read on to discover just how...
How To Make A Woman Desperate To Want To Date You Step #1: "With an Iron Fist.
Don't constantly check in with the girl and let her make the calls.
Make the big choices on your own and become the dominant one in the relationship.
It doesn't matter what the decision is - whether you're telling her to quit talking about her ex boyfriend, or just deciding what movie to go see, you need to take control.
The truth is that women are naturally submissive.
Even the girls who make a big show of being independent are only acting that way because no guy has been man enough to "tame" her.
Step #2: "Upping Your Value.
Any girl that you are dating is going to be constantly looking you over, searching out both flaws and positive traits.
If you're constantly showing her how valuable you are to have around, then she'll do the rest of the work.
Turn yourself into her ideal man and show her that you are a great guy who is also confident enough to be noticed by attractive women.
Keep in mind that dating is not a gamble, even if it may seem like one.
If all you do is mope around and do nothing to improve yourself, you'll never learn the skills it takes to get women to be desperate for you.
Learn and use these techniques, and you'll be the man who women are falling over themselves to be with.
No guy is just born with the skills needed to get girls - it takes the desire to learn those skills to break out from the pack and be a truly desirable man.

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