Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Are You Happy With Your Braces?

Braces are used to straighten and realign teeth. The dentist that would carry out this treatment for you is called an Orthodontist. The most common type of braces are the metal ‘train track' style. These are permanently fixed to the teeth and have to be left on for at least 2 years. These metal braces are the standard ones used for children. As well as being unsightly they are very uncomfortable too. For some having dental treatment is bad enough but having ugly metal braces for 2 years is unbearable. Clear Braces are the ultimate in Braces. They are the latest in technology but unfortunately are only available privately and not on the NHS. The benefits of Clear Braces quite simply outweigh the negatives (which are hardly any) and even adults are now racing to get their teeth straightened with Clear Braces. Perfect Smile Spa offers 2 types of Clear Braces - Inman Aligners and Clearstep. For some having dental treatment is bad enough but having ugly metal braces for 2 years is unbearable. Both are used to change a variety of problems and the Orthodontist would need to assess you to see which type best suits your needs. Clear Braces: - Work quicker - Are more comfortable - Are removable - Make it easier to clean your teeth - More aesthetically pleasing They have to be worn for a minimum of 20 hours a day. Any less then that then it may take longer for your teeth to straighten. The one thing to remember after straightening your teeth is that a retainer is a must! Without this your teeth will eventually move back to their original position. There are 2 types of retainers - Fixed and Removable. The Fixed Retainer is the better option as you will never forget to wear it and you will never lose it. To discuss Clear Braces and see if you're a suitable candidate for the treatment give Perfect Smile Spa, dentist Essex a call. Patients are seen here for Clear Braces routinely every day. Best of all by obtaining a special report we can let you know how long it will take to straighten your teeth.

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