How To Pull Your Ex Boyfriend Back - The Single Most Powerful Technique To Use
After your boyfriend told you he needed a break and you saw him walk away, you began to wonder how to pull your ex boyfriend back. You cannot face the future without the man you love. Many emotions go through your head, such as sadness, desperation, and panic. You fear if you do not get your ex back immediately, he will fall in love with someone else and you will lose him forever. These thoughts are normal at this time, but you cannot let them control your actions. You can regain his love without losing your dignity or begging and pleading with him, and it can be much easier than you think. In fact, you already know how to win his love again, you are just not aware of it, but it is the single most powerful technique to use.
Learning how to pull your ex boyfriend back begins with understanding a little about male psychology. Now, this is not something deep that you need a doctorate to understand; it is just understanding that men and women view love and romance in a different way. From the time they are little girls, romance to a woman is like a fairy tale. They dream of meeting their prince charming and living happily ever after. The problem becomes that when you feel you have met your prince charming, you become too comfortable and your man starts to take you for granted. After a while he becomes bored and longs for a challenge. Since he needs someone to challenge him, why not let it be you?
When you first met this man of your dreams, you did not run up to him and begin crying and begging him to love you. It would not have worked then and it will not work now. The thing that turned him on was the fact that you appeared unavailable. You did a lot of things to lead him on a merry chase and he loved it. This is what you need to do again - be unavailable. The easiest way to do this is to ignore him. Become a mystery to him again. When he does not hear from you for a few weeks, it will peak his curiosity. He expected you to be calling him and begging for a second chance. Now he is the one sitting waiting for your call and he is confused. This will lead him to have second thoughts about the breakup and he will give you a call.
This is what you have been waiting for, but do not appear too available. If he tells you that he would like to get together for a talk, put him off and tell him that you will have to get back to him in a few days. Do not make him wait too long. Call him back and arrange a time and place for the meeting.
When you meet him, be sure to be in control and keep the conversation mostly on him and what he has been doing. Then look him in the eyes and simply touch him lightly on the arm. This sends shocks through a man like an electrical current and it is the single most powerful technique to use.
Learning how to pull your ex boyfriend back begins with understanding a little about male psychology. Now, this is not something deep that you need a doctorate to understand; it is just understanding that men and women view love and romance in a different way. From the time they are little girls, romance to a woman is like a fairy tale. They dream of meeting their prince charming and living happily ever after. The problem becomes that when you feel you have met your prince charming, you become too comfortable and your man starts to take you for granted. After a while he becomes bored and longs for a challenge. Since he needs someone to challenge him, why not let it be you?
When you first met this man of your dreams, you did not run up to him and begin crying and begging him to love you. It would not have worked then and it will not work now. The thing that turned him on was the fact that you appeared unavailable. You did a lot of things to lead him on a merry chase and he loved it. This is what you need to do again - be unavailable. The easiest way to do this is to ignore him. Become a mystery to him again. When he does not hear from you for a few weeks, it will peak his curiosity. He expected you to be calling him and begging for a second chance. Now he is the one sitting waiting for your call and he is confused. This will lead him to have second thoughts about the breakup and he will give you a call.
This is what you have been waiting for, but do not appear too available. If he tells you that he would like to get together for a talk, put him off and tell him that you will have to get back to him in a few days. Do not make him wait too long. Call him back and arrange a time and place for the meeting.
When you meet him, be sure to be in control and keep the conversation mostly on him and what he has been doing. Then look him in the eyes and simply touch him lightly on the arm. This sends shocks through a man like an electrical current and it is the single most powerful technique to use.