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Early Model Trains

In today's world of finely detailed models, it is always nice to look back and see where it all began.

Today modelers debate over the most realistic sound decoders and the diameter of the grab irons on their ready-to-run plastic models. The technological advances made in this hobby are astounding.

Take a break from all that for just a second and take a look back at some of the humble beginnings of model trains. The National Toy Train Museum in Strasburg, PA - home of the Train Collectors Association and one of the greatest collections of historic trains you'll ever find - offers a walk through the history of the hobby.

This engine, dating to around 1840, is a Stevens live steam model. The fuel was alcohol. The engine produced its own steam which powered the pistons. Truly a miniature locomotive. It is hard to imagine a child playing with live steam, but indeed they did - along with many who were just young at heart.

Whether powered by a decoder or a piece of string, made of plastic or cast iron, there is one thing all of these trains have had in common since the very beginning - they sure are fun.

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