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Senior Citizens and Retirement As We Know it is Changing

Over the past few months I have been writing articles directed to the senior citizen, over 50, generation about the importance of getting involved in their own small home based business to help fund their retirement to be able to continue the independent living we have known all our lives.
Sometimes I feel I am being to repetitive in my subject matter and write about other subjects.
Then I read an article like the one in USA Today, 11-12-08, titled "Drug Cost For Seniors Growing" It goes on to say that the elderly and disabled people in medicare prescription drug plans with the largest enrollments will pay 43% more on average in monthly premiums next year than when the program began in 2006 and some will see increases of as much as 329%.
According to the House Committee on Oversite and Government Reform, these rising cost are raising havoc on seniors with no end in sight.
The notion of a traditional, leisurely retirement is fading quickly.
With the recent drop in retirement investment accounts, rising health care costs, faltering social security and medicare systems along with the fact that we just aren't saving enough have shattered the retirement plans of millions of Americans who now realize their plans of spending their retirement on the golf course or growing prize winning gardens is now only a dream or at least a dream delayed a few years.
According to a recent survey by Charles Schwab and Company, 7 out of 10 respondents said they will be working well into their retirement years.
Also, since our generation, over 50, are living longer then ever before, many are planning to retire much later than they originally planned Its been said that when it comes to that retirement nest egg, no one really knows what is needed.
Because of our present economic situation, how we arrive at that nest egg, whatever you decide that is, has changed.
Three things we can do to take charge of our retirement plans once again.
First, we need to work so find one that you really would like to do.
Second, you must continue to save or begin to save and pay attention to all your accounts.
This is a must.
Third is the most obvious, you must retire later than first planned.
Now, getting back to "get a job".
Seems like I've been hearing that all my life.
As seniors, or over 50, this may normally be a problem.
But today we have the internet and Attraction Marketing and the internet never asks questions the normal employer may want to know.
The internet is a viable way to go.
With more and more people turning to the internet for their buying needs, many of them being seniors.
It is a rapidly growing market and ideal for seniors who are looking to start a home based business With so many people, seniors and others, looking to start a business, 7000+ everyday, the process of attraction marketing is a must to know.
As seniors, we do not have a ton of time or money to spend on trial and error in our marketing efforts to create a successful internet business.
This process will teach you step by step, internet marketing, so you will never have to ask the question "what do I do next.
" You will learn how to create a web of content through out the internet with hundreds and soon thousands of links, fingers, all pointing back at you and your product.
All this can be done at at very low cost and even no cost when done properly.
Once you are using this process, you will be amazed how quickly your business and income will be growing.
You will find that you are now the hunted and the need for you to hunt out your clients is no longer necessary.
Can you imagine needing to spend your time and money only on people seeking you out, already knowing who you are and what you have to offer.
This is what this process will do for you.
Thank You Jerry Lewis

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