Homeopathic Remedies for GERD
- The acid reflux associated with GERD can often lead to serious heartburn and pain in the esophagus. The burning sensation can be dulled by drinking small amounts of fat-free milk or chilled water every few hours. To prevent the formation of gas in a person's stomach, thus also reducing the burning, you should drink water mixed with cumin seeds.
Ginger root extract sweetened with honey can also be taken after a meal to dull the sensation of GERD. A small serving of ice cream can also help dull the burning sensation. Other remedies for the sensations of heartburn include lemon, cloves and almonds. - Lavender tea is a popular relief for heartburn and other symptoms associated with GERD. It helps to relieve heartburn and reduce acid reflux by reducing the amount of acid in a person's stomach by neutralizing it.
Lavender tea is made by mixing equal parts of aniseed and lavender together. You need to boil about two and a half cups of water, which should be poured over 1 tsp. of the aniseed and lavender mixture to make a tea. This should be allowed to sit and brew for a few minutes, like any other type of tea before drinking. If you find the tea too unpalatable on its own, you can sweeten it by adding honey, as it is a natural sweetener and is unlikely to have an adverse effect on your health. - The symptoms of GERD are aggravated by a poor diet. This means that if you want to reduce the amount of acid reflux and heartburn you are experiencing, you should start to cut spicy foods and fatty, fried foods out of your diet. In addition to this, eating several small meals a day is much better than eating a few big ones because it means the stomach doesn't have to overproduce acid to digest a lot of food at one shot.
Other consumables that can aggravate GERD and make the symptoms worse include alcohol, carbonated drinks, onions, ketchup, garlic, citrus and even chocolate. Citrus is especially bad for people with GERD and you should definitely not be drinking orange juice on an empty stomach. Tranquilizers, sedatives and other medications can also aggravate your condition, so check with a health-care professional before taking them.