Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Small Chicken House Plans - What You Need to Know!

Just as the contractor that built your house needed plans you need small chicken house plans to successfully build your chicken house.
A plan makes everything much easier to construct.
It does not matter if you are a carpenter or a beginner plans for constructing anything are a must.
Your house will not only protect them from predators but the weather conditions also.
Make your chicken house as close to draft free as you can by installing windows that open and close.
The location is also very important so that the house is constructed on higher dry ground.
This will keep the house from being damp inside and you will not have muddy chicken runs.
Your better off to put up a fence this will keep predators from to your chickens.
Make sure to bury the chicken wire at least a foot deep so the predators can not dig under the fence.
For the size figure five square foot for each rooster and seven square feet for each hen.
When drawing out your plans put the doors and windows on the south side so the sun can warm up the chicken house.
Inside you want to have nesting boxes where you will collect the eggs.
For a perch allow six to ten inches for each chicken.
Just follow your plans and start with the frame.
Also be sure to put in your plans a slanted roof to keep the rain from piling up on the roof.
You will want to cover the windows with chicken wire for extra protection from hungry predators.
Your small chicken house plans can be very easy to draw up on paper and this makes for a more enjoyable project to build.

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