String of Pearls - A Call for Intercessors
My wife had a vision recently of a string of pearls, adorning a bride at her wedding.
In the vision, she saw these pearls were "double- knotted" -- that's where each pearl on a necklace is knotted on both sides of every pearl so that if the string breaks, all the pearls don't slide off to be lost.
At most, only the one pearl where the string breaks may be lost.
Interpretation: Pastors are the "Pearls"! Not all the pastors in your region, but all those who are allowing the Lord to "string them together", manifesting their unity in Christ.
Congregational pastors are vital to your region, and must be upheld at all costs! These "pastor pearls" are "spiritual gates", as in Rev.
21:21 which reads: "The 12 gates were 12 pearls, each gate made of a single pearl...
" In the Revelation passage, there are 12 gates/pearls because there are 12 Apostles.
That doesn't mean there are only 12 pastors in your region who are manifesting the unity we have in Christ, nor does it mean that these pastors are "apostles" either.
That the gates/ pearls in Revelation are the Twelve Apostles, points to local pastors as "ministers of God's spiritual influence" over your region.
These are not "apostles" who inappropriately "control" the lives of others, but serve as spiritual leaders, maintaining and extending the Victory over the principalities and powers in your region.
Also, these "pastor pearls" are "gates" into the Presence of God for your region! Now, everyone knows a pearl isn't the size of one of Heaven's "gates" and if it were, no person could walk through one because pearls are quite solid! But this Heavenly "pearl" representstheSuffering which Releases God's Mercy -- and every pastor who is led by the Spirit of God, is a "suffering servant" through whom God's "mercy" is released into the lives of God's children.
Through honoring our pastors, every Child of God who desires a greater release into the Life and Presence of Christ can find it through the spiritual shepherds God has given to us.
"Knots" help keep the pastors "lifted up" in the spiritual responsibilities into which God has placed them.
The "knots" are "tied" by the prayers and intercessions of the saints...
but the "knots" are not the prayers themselves.
The "knots" are "Honor".
Believers who intercede for their pastors bring honor both to God and to these servants who have suffered for the sake of bringing Christ into your region.
As Believers continue to pray for their pastors, they fulfill the role of Aaron and Hur who honored the God of Moses by upholding Moses' spiritual authority over the enemy (his staff, held in his hands -- Ex.
) This "string of pearls" is a necklace adorning the Bride! The bride in the vision is the "Bride of Christ"! The unity of the pearls, each held in its place by the saints' honor, is part of the Preparation of the Bride in your region!The Prophetic Promise: The vision is that of a string of pearls, strung together and each one double-knotted.
The Lord is setting before us a strategic opportunity (Gk.
topos) -- a koinonia (a project "co-owned" by all who participate.
) This is an opportunity to not only press into the Unity of Christ, but for Believers to uphold their pastors in spiritual power and authority, thereby releasing the Preparation of the Bride of Christ throughout this Age and in YOUR region!
In the vision, she saw these pearls were "double- knotted" -- that's where each pearl on a necklace is knotted on both sides of every pearl so that if the string breaks, all the pearls don't slide off to be lost.
At most, only the one pearl where the string breaks may be lost.
Interpretation: Pastors are the "Pearls"! Not all the pastors in your region, but all those who are allowing the Lord to "string them together", manifesting their unity in Christ.
Congregational pastors are vital to your region, and must be upheld at all costs! These "pastor pearls" are "spiritual gates", as in Rev.
21:21 which reads: "The 12 gates were 12 pearls, each gate made of a single pearl...
" In the Revelation passage, there are 12 gates/pearls because there are 12 Apostles.
That doesn't mean there are only 12 pastors in your region who are manifesting the unity we have in Christ, nor does it mean that these pastors are "apostles" either.
That the gates/ pearls in Revelation are the Twelve Apostles, points to local pastors as "ministers of God's spiritual influence" over your region.
These are not "apostles" who inappropriately "control" the lives of others, but serve as spiritual leaders, maintaining and extending the Victory over the principalities and powers in your region.
Also, these "pastor pearls" are "gates" into the Presence of God for your region! Now, everyone knows a pearl isn't the size of one of Heaven's "gates" and if it were, no person could walk through one because pearls are quite solid! But this Heavenly "pearl" representstheSuffering which Releases God's Mercy -- and every pastor who is led by the Spirit of God, is a "suffering servant" through whom God's "mercy" is released into the lives of God's children.
Through honoring our pastors, every Child of God who desires a greater release into the Life and Presence of Christ can find it through the spiritual shepherds God has given to us.
"Knots" help keep the pastors "lifted up" in the spiritual responsibilities into which God has placed them.
The "knots" are "tied" by the prayers and intercessions of the saints...
but the "knots" are not the prayers themselves.
The "knots" are "Honor".
Believers who intercede for their pastors bring honor both to God and to these servants who have suffered for the sake of bringing Christ into your region.
As Believers continue to pray for their pastors, they fulfill the role of Aaron and Hur who honored the God of Moses by upholding Moses' spiritual authority over the enemy (his staff, held in his hands -- Ex.
) This "string of pearls" is a necklace adorning the Bride! The bride in the vision is the "Bride of Christ"! The unity of the pearls, each held in its place by the saints' honor, is part of the Preparation of the Bride in your region!The Prophetic Promise: The vision is that of a string of pearls, strung together and each one double-knotted.
The Lord is setting before us a strategic opportunity (Gk.
topos) -- a koinonia (a project "co-owned" by all who participate.
) This is an opportunity to not only press into the Unity of Christ, but for Believers to uphold their pastors in spiritual power and authority, thereby releasing the Preparation of the Bride of Christ throughout this Age and in YOUR region!