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If You Are a Woman With an Increasing Waistline You May Have a Slowing Metabolism

So many women cannot understand what happens to their body as they approach mid life.
Often they have had a slim firm body they were proud of and all of a sudden something has changed and they do not recognize the person staring at them in the mirror.
The facts are that the average 25 year old woman has 25 percent body fat and the average 55 year old woman has 43 percent body fat.
This is the result of a domino affect of a slowing metabolism caused by muscle tissue loss over the years.
It is not just a question of becoming over-fat it is a question of becoming under-muscled.
Starting in the mid 20's muscle slowly is lost when women become less active and does not do enough muscle building and maintaining activity.
As the human body 'loses what is not being used' around one half pound per year is lost until age 50 then this rate doubles.
This causes a serious change in body composition (muscle/fat ratio) which means less fuel (calories) can be used and more get stored as fat.
It may not be noticeable as body fat sneaks into the areas where the muscle tissue is being lost and pads it.
It may be less firm but it does fill out the space somewhat hiding the situation.
When they do notice the extra fat many women immediately start to restrict their food intake and resort to dieting.
This rarely works as it is exactly the opposite of what needs to happen.
If too much food is restricted the body will shed even more muscle tissue to lower the metabolic rate to adjust to less food being eaten.
The brakes go on fat loss and along with that a loss of energy and vitality is lost as well.
Then even less activity is undertaken as there is simply not enough gas in the tank to fuel proper exercise.
The right way to counter the changing body composition problem is to get started on a proper strength training program and never stop.
Keeping those muscles toned and healthy is paramount to keeping the entire body healthy as well as keeping body fat levels at a healthy level.
As well as spoiling ones appearance becoming overweight reduces immunity to disease and exposes one to many health risks.
Strength training is one of the few tools at our disposal that can positively impact virtually every aspect of health and wellness, from the brain, to the heart to your waistline.
When we regularly (2-3 times each week) perform a strength training program, we take a major step against the aging process and the battle of the bulge.
A recent study done on overweight female participants from ages 25 through 44 gained the less fat around the midsection after 2 years on a strength training program than a control group of women who performed 'cardio' type activity but did not strength train.
There are also added benefits as having more strength and endurance makes daily activities easier and less tiring to add to the increased metabolic rate and increased bone density.
There is no other more anti-aging exercise than strength training.
Try it and see for yourself and knock 10-20 years right off your looks and body.

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