Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

How to Construct a Chicken Coop - Size Requirements

These are the size requirements for different chickens you need to consider when you construct a chicken coop.
It's important that you provide at least this amount of space for their health and mental well being.
Just like people, if they are crowded and they don't have enough space to be able to at least be by themselves somewhat, they can stressed out and start acting aggressively.
Remember that these are the bare minimums! Bantams I like calling them miniature chicks.
Their smaller size makes them better for smaller spaces.
For these guys, they need one square foot per bird for the inside area.
For the run, they need 4 square feet per bantam.
Egg Laying Hens These require 1.
5 square feet each of space inside.
Outside, they need 8 square feet each.
Large Chickens These guys need 2 square feet each inside.
They need 10 square feet each outside.
The numbers listed here are all minimum requirements.
It would probably benefit them to give them more room if you can.
With all of these, they also need 6 to 10 inches of perch space per bird.
These guys don't mind sharing, so the minimum number of nests you need is one for every 4 females.
The more, the merrier, of course, if you have the space to put in more.
For the feeder, plan to provide enough space for each bird to feed at the same time.
So for the small ones, give them at least one inch each.
For larger ones, give them at least 2 to 3 inches each.
In a large chicken coop and run, you might want to include several feeders.

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