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Learning to Sexually Attract Women - 3 Common Misconceptions

There are plenty of misconceptions that men have when it comes to learning how to sexually attract a woman.
Of course, if your goal is to be able to master this area of expertise, then you certainly don't want to fall for any of these misconceptions or else it is just going to make things a lot more difficult than it has to be.
Some guys will hold onto these misconceptions no matter what, and then they can't figure out why it is that they seem to have a hard time making a woman feel sexually attracted to them.
Hopefully, you are not going to hold onto any of these false ideas of what you should do to make a woman feel attracted to you sexually.
If you do, then you might end up wishing that you hadn't when you find that most women just don't seem to feel that way about you.
Here are 3 misconceptions about sexually attracting a woman that are very common: 1) Most guys falsely believe that it is a good thing to kiss up to a woman that they have just met.
Certainly there are some women that might get turned on by this kind of behavior, but on the whole - it's not such a good idea to kiss up to a woman that you have just met.
You can be nice, you can be chivalrous, but you don't want to go so far that it seems like all you are doing is intentionally kissing up to her.
2) A lot of men make the mistake of thinking that it is good to talk sexually to a woman right away.
Again, there may be some exceptions to this, but most of the time you don't want to immediately talk sexually to a woman if you want to make her attracted to you.
You have to start off a little less direct and then work your way up to the point of being able to speak sexually to her.
When guys come across as being a little too quick to talk sexual, it often makes them look like they are a little bit perverted in a bad way.
3) Finally, a lot of guys believe in the misconception that it is all about the way that they look.
Of course, looks do matter to some extent.
You don't want to look like a total bum when you are trying to turn on a woman.
On the other hand, a lot of guys place too much emphasis on this and they ignore the fact that they can turn on a woman with their personality just as much, if not more, than just by the way that they look.

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