Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Solar or Wind?! Go green, now!

Hi guys! I'm here again to talk about something important. Energy! Many people know about the problems we are facing with oil and others, so, what's better than taking advantage of the mother nature and produce your own energy?!
Many people are producing their own electricity at home, and you can too.A lot is talked about how to use renewable resources such as solar and wind energy.

But which one should you invest in?

The truth of the matter is that for most people use a combination of both is likely to give them the biggest bang for their buck.
Solar energy is a great way to generate energy from sunlight.
This is especially good if you live in a very sunny locale.
You can install solar panels on the roof, or create and install it on your own.

To garner the power of the wind you will need a wind turbine.
Again, you have to make the choice to purchase or to build one.
If you purchase a wind turbine it will cost between $600 and $12,000 dollars.
But if you DIY, costs only about $ 200.
The difference is striking and it's the same as many things, you pay more for labor than for the actual parts.
The parties make small wind turbines at home costs only a few hundred dollars.

Even though a wind turbine can produce about 5 times the amount of electricity as one solar panel, having both sources of energy can be advantageous because you will have a greater likelihood of having one type of weather or another.
For example, if it is cloudy, it's probably windy. If there's no wind you might have sunshine.
Since both methods offer the greatest potential for generating electricity almost constant.

So to get the most benefit from alternative energy sources use wind power either alone or with solar power for the maximum return on investment.
If you are afraid on doing it, thinking it's complicated, don't fool yourself, anyone can do it and the only person that is worried about it, it's you... xD
Going green is a great way to make your home self-sufficient and also a great way to help save the planet! xD
Well, that's about all the info I can give you, but, if you got interested, you can get more info if you click on my author's bio page! ^^
Again, it was a pleasure, and I hope I could be useful!

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