Numerology of a Sex Symbol: Marilyn Monroe
[This article is neither intended to extol nor defame Marilyn Monroe.
Its purpose is simply to reveal the relationship between some aspects of her life and her numbers in furthering the understanding of numerology as a science.
] In a world of notoriety, some people become famous, some rise to super-stardom, others transcend their celebrity to become icons.
However, it is a rare few who become institutions.
Marilyn Monroe is a cinematic institution.
Born Norma Jeane Mortenson on 1 June 1926 in Los Angeles, California, Marilyn's early life was wrought with the parental issues of a mentally unstable mother and absentee father, leading her to grow up in a series of foster homes.
Monroe was one of the most famous stars of the silver screen, exuding a blend of vulnerability, innocence, glamour and blonde-bombshell sensuality that hypnotized and captivated the world; a life, unfortunately, that turned tragic in the end.
Marilyn died on 5 August 1962 at the age of thirty-six under a cloud of mystery and intrigue, the same kind of mystery and intrigue associated with the assassination of John F.
Arguably, the persona most associated with Marilyn Monroe as an actress was that of a sex symbol.
She was the heartthrob of men the world over.
Married three times, she is commonly alleged to have also had affairs with other men, among whom were President John F.
Kennedy and his brother Robert (Wikipedia).
Her Material Soul contains a tristack of this powerfully expressive sexual energy, an energy which can also lead to severe addictions because of its pleasure-seeking quality.
Having one set of 33 energy is powerful, but three is extremely rare.
This internal tristack of 33 energy can be written as 33-33-33 which, when combined, creates a 99, the master number of universal power and rulership.
It is extremely rare to have a tristack of any master number in a Basic Matrix component.
To have the sexual power, pleasure and image-saturated master number 33 duplicated three times in the Material Soul position is almost beyond comprehension, and because the Material Soul rules one's worldly needs, wants and desires, it reflected Monroe's motivations, the core of which was to be a sex symbol.
The Master Number 66 Adding to the double 33-6 tristack is the 66-3 Master number in Monroe's Material Nature.
This is also a powerfully sex-charged master number.
It is not as common as the 33 but it is nonetheless powerful.
The Number 5 The third number creating Monroe's sexual persona is the number 5.
It rules the five senses, variety, diversity, stimulation, experience, freedom and exploration.
Together, the single numbers 5 and 6 are the most potent sexual combination.
Monroe's Nature was a 5.
She loved variety and adventure.
Hence, her many lovers.
One man was simply not enough for her.
Basically, Marilyn Monroe could be described as sex incarnate.
Her inmost desires, personality and life manifested her enchantress image.
A Problematic Lifepath The number 7 is the number of spiritual testing and carries the greatest degree of potential turmoil, heartache, betrayals and suffering.
Marilyn Monroe's Lifepath was a 7, the same as John F.
Princess Diana also had a 7 Lifepath, and it was this number that portended trouble for Marilyn Monroe's life right from the get go, as it did for JRK and Diana.
Monroe's chart housed a 7 void (written as 7v).
In other words, she had no Gs, Ps or Ys in her birth name.
Her first given name of "Norma" is also a 7.
Its active timeline was from birth to age 25.
Combined with her 7 Lifepath, the outcome number is a 5, the energy of change, loss, detachment, exploration, experimentation, the five senses.
Therefore, from birth to age 25 this 7v/5 IR (Influence/Reality) set intensified her 7 Lifepath, creating a condition of heartbreak, heartache and tragedy.
Father Abandonment Issues In numerology the number 1 governs the father, male energy, the self, ego, individuality, independence and action.
The number 5 governs detachment, loss, freedom, uncertainty, change and separation.
Because Monroe was born on the 1st of June, her 1st Epoch IR set was a 1/5, this as a result of the 1 filtering through her 4 Expression to create a 5 outcome.
This illustrates issues with loss or detachment (5) from male energy (1).
Princess Diana, who also had a 4 Expression and who was born on 1 July, had this same 1/5 IR set ruling the first part of her life too, and her divorce (detachment) from Prince Charles is historic.
The famous aviator Charles Lindbergh is another case of the 1/5 and its issues of loss/detachment of male energy.
His son was kidnapped and murdered during this 1/5 IR set in Lindbergh's 2nd Challenge.
Marilyn's Mother Issues As the number 1 represents male energy, the number 2 represents female energy.
Marilyn's birth mother is factually known to have had mental issues, and because of her illness Monroe spent her early life in foster homes.
This turmoil with her mother is seen in Monroe's 1st Pinnacle which is a 7v/11-2.
The 7 void reflects mental instability, and the 11-2 indicates high tension and stress in the female, with others and relationships.
This not only would reference Monroe's mother, but Monroe herself.
It would also play a factor in her relationships in general.
Summary There is no doubt Marilyn Monroe is a legend among legends.
Her life was difficult but powerful, powerful enough to keep her image alive a half century after her death.
Although this short article does not fully portray her life, it does reveal that Monroe's numbers match her destiny.
The massive amount of 33 and 66 master energy in her chart, in concert with the 5 energy, created her sex symbol image.
The 1/5 and 7v/11-2 combination in the foundational part of her chart clearly shows problems with both father and mother to some degree.
Wrap all these together in a 7 Lifepath and the result was an enormously famous actress with an enormously tragic but heralded life.
Its purpose is simply to reveal the relationship between some aspects of her life and her numbers in furthering the understanding of numerology as a science.
] In a world of notoriety, some people become famous, some rise to super-stardom, others transcend their celebrity to become icons.
However, it is a rare few who become institutions.
Marilyn Monroe is a cinematic institution.
Born Norma Jeane Mortenson on 1 June 1926 in Los Angeles, California, Marilyn's early life was wrought with the parental issues of a mentally unstable mother and absentee father, leading her to grow up in a series of foster homes.
Monroe was one of the most famous stars of the silver screen, exuding a blend of vulnerability, innocence, glamour and blonde-bombshell sensuality that hypnotized and captivated the world; a life, unfortunately, that turned tragic in the end.
Marilyn died on 5 August 1962 at the age of thirty-six under a cloud of mystery and intrigue, the same kind of mystery and intrigue associated with the assassination of John F.
Arguably, the persona most associated with Marilyn Monroe as an actress was that of a sex symbol.
She was the heartthrob of men the world over.
Married three times, she is commonly alleged to have also had affairs with other men, among whom were President John F.
Kennedy and his brother Robert (Wikipedia).
- What numbers reflected Monroe's sex symbol persona?
- What number in Marilyn's chart hinted at a tragic life?
- What number pattern reveals her early life's father-abandonment issues?
- What IR (Influence/Reality) set indicated the problems associated with her mother?
- Master number 33-6
- Master number 66-3
- Number 5
Her Material Soul contains a tristack of this powerfully expressive sexual energy, an energy which can also lead to severe addictions because of its pleasure-seeking quality.
Having one set of 33 energy is powerful, but three is extremely rare.
This internal tristack of 33 energy can be written as 33-33-33 which, when combined, creates a 99, the master number of universal power and rulership.
It is extremely rare to have a tristack of any master number in a Basic Matrix component.
To have the sexual power, pleasure and image-saturated master number 33 duplicated three times in the Material Soul position is almost beyond comprehension, and because the Material Soul rules one's worldly needs, wants and desires, it reflected Monroe's motivations, the core of which was to be a sex symbol.
The Master Number 66 Adding to the double 33-6 tristack is the 66-3 Master number in Monroe's Material Nature.
This is also a powerfully sex-charged master number.
It is not as common as the 33 but it is nonetheless powerful.
The Number 5 The third number creating Monroe's sexual persona is the number 5.
It rules the five senses, variety, diversity, stimulation, experience, freedom and exploration.
Together, the single numbers 5 and 6 are the most potent sexual combination.
Monroe's Nature was a 5.
She loved variety and adventure.
Hence, her many lovers.
One man was simply not enough for her.
Basically, Marilyn Monroe could be described as sex incarnate.
Her inmost desires, personality and life manifested her enchantress image.
A Problematic Lifepath The number 7 is the number of spiritual testing and carries the greatest degree of potential turmoil, heartache, betrayals and suffering.
Marilyn Monroe's Lifepath was a 7, the same as John F.
Princess Diana also had a 7 Lifepath, and it was this number that portended trouble for Marilyn Monroe's life right from the get go, as it did for JRK and Diana.
Monroe's chart housed a 7 void (written as 7v).
In other words, she had no Gs, Ps or Ys in her birth name.
Her first given name of "Norma" is also a 7.
Its active timeline was from birth to age 25.
Combined with her 7 Lifepath, the outcome number is a 5, the energy of change, loss, detachment, exploration, experimentation, the five senses.
Therefore, from birth to age 25 this 7v/5 IR (Influence/Reality) set intensified her 7 Lifepath, creating a condition of heartbreak, heartache and tragedy.
Father Abandonment Issues In numerology the number 1 governs the father, male energy, the self, ego, individuality, independence and action.
The number 5 governs detachment, loss, freedom, uncertainty, change and separation.
Because Monroe was born on the 1st of June, her 1st Epoch IR set was a 1/5, this as a result of the 1 filtering through her 4 Expression to create a 5 outcome.
This illustrates issues with loss or detachment (5) from male energy (1).
Princess Diana, who also had a 4 Expression and who was born on 1 July, had this same 1/5 IR set ruling the first part of her life too, and her divorce (detachment) from Prince Charles is historic.
The famous aviator Charles Lindbergh is another case of the 1/5 and its issues of loss/detachment of male energy.
His son was kidnapped and murdered during this 1/5 IR set in Lindbergh's 2nd Challenge.
Marilyn's Mother Issues As the number 1 represents male energy, the number 2 represents female energy.
Marilyn's birth mother is factually known to have had mental issues, and because of her illness Monroe spent her early life in foster homes.
This turmoil with her mother is seen in Monroe's 1st Pinnacle which is a 7v/11-2.
The 7 void reflects mental instability, and the 11-2 indicates high tension and stress in the female, with others and relationships.
This not only would reference Monroe's mother, but Monroe herself.
It would also play a factor in her relationships in general.
Summary There is no doubt Marilyn Monroe is a legend among legends.
Her life was difficult but powerful, powerful enough to keep her image alive a half century after her death.
Although this short article does not fully portray her life, it does reveal that Monroe's numbers match her destiny.
The massive amount of 33 and 66 master energy in her chart, in concert with the 5 energy, created her sex symbol image.
The 1/5 and 7v/11-2 combination in the foundational part of her chart clearly shows problems with both father and mother to some degree.
Wrap all these together in a 7 Lifepath and the result was an enormously famous actress with an enormously tragic but heralded life.