Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Benefits of Month to Month Car Insurance

There are many benefits to getting month to month car insurance instead of the usual payment plan of ever 6 months.
It is a huge pain for people to save up for 6 months for a payment for something as dreary as auto insurance, and that is even when the economy is doing great.
These days, with rising unemployment and lowering housing prices, underwater mortgages and recovery slow if occurring at all, if someone can ease their financial burden in any way, it is worth a look to see if something can be done.
My difficulty always came around the third or fourth month of each cycle.
The first month, I knew I had to keep some cash socked away for my next insurance premium payment, and ditto for the second month.
Around the third or fourth, though, I would invariably see something at the store that caught my eye, a gift for myself or a loved one that I could not resist, and just as I was reaching for my credit card, I would remember that this was money I had already earmarked for my 6 month payment.
Good bye nice day! It became a habit - in fact I swear I would not see anything I wanted to buy until it was the worst possible time to find it.
Just my luck to have insurance that comes due every 6 months.
I knew that I could not keep up with this cycle of denying myself for no reason, and so I did some research online and found that insurance companies in some cases are letting their customers pay for their policies more often than 6 months.
It took me a few minutes of thinking to realize that this was what I was looking for.
If my payments were smaller and more often than I would not have trouble paying for items I wanted at the store because whatever money I had left, I could spend.
Then I switched to a month to month car insurance payment plan, and everything changed.
I spent a bit more on each payment due to fees associated with making more frequent payments, but that was easily offset by my good driver discount.
It even improved my credit! Month to month car insurance is not for everyone, but if you dread saving up for payments every 6 months, it might be for you.

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