Can Surgery Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss affects people differently.
Most people have a genetic predisposition to lose hair at some age.
It could be when you're 80.
For most of us - its sooner.
Most of the time it's simply pattern loss, passed down our family tree.
But there are times when this response is actually triggered by something.
Shock, stress, hormones, as well as combinations of medications can factor in, but there are some lesser know events that could trigger hair loss.
General Surgery Sometimes hair loss can be triggered by general anesthesia.
I've seen hundreds of cases where someone has come to see me for a consultation that had no family history of hair loss.
Many times we discovered that the hair loss started a few weeks after they had a surgical procedure.
Sometimes it was a major procedure- but Sometimes it was a minor cosmetic procedure.
But one thing stood out- they went under.
They had general anesthesia, and many of them started losing hair after the procedure.
Many times, after a period of time, hair would return.
But often, we had to use Laser Hair Therapy to help jumpstart the growth.
Silicone Breast Implants The FDA produced a document in 1995 document titled "A Status Report on Breast Implant Safety.
" After wide spread reports of adverse reactions to silicone gel-filled breast implants and a lack of evidence supporting their safe use, the FDA ordered them off the market in April 1992.
Silicone breast implants have been associated with the possible development of "autoimmune-like" disorders, and among the listed symptoms is "unusual hair loss.
" One medical study discussed what was called a "multiple sclerosis-like syndrome" associated with silicone gel breast implants.
Out of the twenty six women in the study, twelve had hair loss.
Another study of eighty-seven patients with breast implants found that 13 percent of the women experienced hair loss, and the third study of three hundred women included hair loss in a l ist of "miscellaneous conditions".
Face Lifts It's estimated that temporal hair loss occurs in just over 8 percent of patients who undergo rhytidectomy, or face lift, according to a study of the American Academy of Dermatology.
The Lead researcher of the study, Cindy Y.
Li, D.
, quoted in an article in Dermatology Times, explained: "Commonly, after the skin and a lot of manipulation of the skin, the hair follicles are sometimes temporarily traumatized, and as a result, there may be temporary hair loss in the area where the procedure was done.
" Although the hair typically regrows, she does note that in some cases the loss may be permanent..
What can be done? For years, medical experts have recommended Laser Hair Therapy for pattern loss and generalized thinning.
is Laser Hair Therapy, a painless process where you simply sit under this special light hood- usually for periods of 20 -30 minutes.
Light Therapy works great in recent hair loss.
It won't do much if you lost your hair 30 years ago, but, if it's been a few months, or even a few years...
you should give it a shot.
Studies show that as far as hair retention, the success rate is 85-94% effective - and up to 66% effective for new growth.
If you see things starting to thin- it's usually the first thing that you want to try.
It doesn't hurt, and could keep your hair healthier as you recover from your procedure!
Most people have a genetic predisposition to lose hair at some age.
It could be when you're 80.
For most of us - its sooner.
Most of the time it's simply pattern loss, passed down our family tree.
But there are times when this response is actually triggered by something.
Shock, stress, hormones, as well as combinations of medications can factor in, but there are some lesser know events that could trigger hair loss.
General Surgery Sometimes hair loss can be triggered by general anesthesia.
I've seen hundreds of cases where someone has come to see me for a consultation that had no family history of hair loss.
Many times we discovered that the hair loss started a few weeks after they had a surgical procedure.
Sometimes it was a major procedure- but Sometimes it was a minor cosmetic procedure.
But one thing stood out- they went under.
They had general anesthesia, and many of them started losing hair after the procedure.
Many times, after a period of time, hair would return.
But often, we had to use Laser Hair Therapy to help jumpstart the growth.
Silicone Breast Implants The FDA produced a document in 1995 document titled "A Status Report on Breast Implant Safety.
" After wide spread reports of adverse reactions to silicone gel-filled breast implants and a lack of evidence supporting their safe use, the FDA ordered them off the market in April 1992.
Silicone breast implants have been associated with the possible development of "autoimmune-like" disorders, and among the listed symptoms is "unusual hair loss.
" One medical study discussed what was called a "multiple sclerosis-like syndrome" associated with silicone gel breast implants.
Out of the twenty six women in the study, twelve had hair loss.
Another study of eighty-seven patients with breast implants found that 13 percent of the women experienced hair loss, and the third study of three hundred women included hair loss in a l ist of "miscellaneous conditions".
Face Lifts It's estimated that temporal hair loss occurs in just over 8 percent of patients who undergo rhytidectomy, or face lift, according to a study of the American Academy of Dermatology.
The Lead researcher of the study, Cindy Y.
Li, D.
, quoted in an article in Dermatology Times, explained: "Commonly, after the skin and a lot of manipulation of the skin, the hair follicles are sometimes temporarily traumatized, and as a result, there may be temporary hair loss in the area where the procedure was done.
" Although the hair typically regrows, she does note that in some cases the loss may be permanent..
What can be done? For years, medical experts have recommended Laser Hair Therapy for pattern loss and generalized thinning.
is Laser Hair Therapy, a painless process where you simply sit under this special light hood- usually for periods of 20 -30 minutes.
Light Therapy works great in recent hair loss.
It won't do much if you lost your hair 30 years ago, but, if it's been a few months, or even a few years...
you should give it a shot.
Studies show that as far as hair retention, the success rate is 85-94% effective - and up to 66% effective for new growth.
If you see things starting to thin- it's usually the first thing that you want to try.
It doesn't hurt, and could keep your hair healthier as you recover from your procedure!