Health & Medical Acne

What is Cystic Acne and How to Prevent It

Cystic acne is just an infection caused on the skin surfaces.
The symptoms are hard, painful and swollen pustules.
A complete formed cyst would be full of bacteria.
In such a case no one would prefer to have such an ugly surface on the skin.
As a result of this, as per the human tendency it leads to either scratching or squeezing out the pus from the swollen pustules.
Due to this tendency, it makes a permanent mark on the skin in the infected areas.
Also there are chances for it to spread from one place to the other.
Every one in the world prefers to have a smooth skin surface not a scar on the skin.
In the case of cystic acne it is better to leave undisturbed.
Cystic acne is a swollen pustule full of blood and pus.
It cannot be cured overnight.
Only medicines can help to get rid of this condition.
It does not have any home remedy.
So it is advisable to visit a doctor or a dermatologist to get rid of the scar on the skin surfaces.
It does not go as it comes.
It requires a proper medication.
Just keeping worrying or scratching would not help a person to get rid off.
The specific reason for this is because it has not been diagnosed by medical experts till now.
It can be a hereditary too.
The reason may vary from one individual to other individual.
Only the medical experts can diagnose the reason to heal the ugly scars.
All the treatments would not help in removing the bacteria.
Only the specific treatment would respond to cystic acne according to the skin types.
Healing the scars can be done only by a diagnosed doctor.
The way most people would rely on now is the internet (ready available information).
This gives the information of the medicines that can be used.
But it is not advisable to do so.
The main problem with cystic acne is scratching and squeezing.
Cystic acne is almost similar to the pimple that is created on the face.
Once it is full of bacteria it gives an itchy feeling where one cannot escape from it.
This creates a scar on the smooth surfaces in black color.
The other way is squeezing to flatten up the swollen surface the person tends to squeeze out the pus from the pustules.
This also leads to a permanent mark on the skin.
The best way to get rid of cystic acne is by using a cleanser.
The deposition of too much of dirt and oil on the skin leads to the clog on the pores in the skin and thrive of bacteria.
Only cleaning the skin morning and evening is the best and simple remedy to work on cystic acne.

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