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Favourite Discus Fish Types Both Natural and Man Made

They're just about the most loved of the tropical aquarium fish and with many different discus fish species, it is easy to see why this is the case.

These fish are really brilliantly coloured, disc shaped fish which is part of the Cichlid fish family. Angelfish is another common popular member of this family. One of the things that causes all discus to appear so magnificent in a home tank is due to the diameter they attain, approximately 10 inches. It really should be pointed out , that discus can be a tough species of fish to own, with quite a few specific demands.

There exists two divisions of these fish: wild and man made discus. These distinctions refers to the origin of these fish, ones found naturally and the species who are a result of cross-breeding.

The original natural discus was located by Johan Heckel, and hence bears the name Heckel Discus. The distinctive colors of this fish is made up of a dark strip along the center of their torsos, with a blue or red body. The Green Discus are, as you would expect, a wide variety of greens, with the addition of dark lines and brilliant spots of red along their middle.

By far the most common of the naturally occurring discus types is the Brown Discus. Whereas it's not the most dazzling discus, with a few faded stripes and a few odd pieces of color on the fins, however it's by far the most durable of all the natural discus. The final wild discus type is the Blue Discus. Much the same in design to the Brown Discus, but with rather beautiful dark blue coloring everywhere on it's body.

Even if the wild discus may boast a multitude of colours, it becomes exciting when you consider the discus that are the result of cross-breeding. One of the most recent of these discus is the Albino Discus. So named because of their distinctive white bodies and red eyes.

The Blue Diamond Discus is one of the most attention grabbing of all discus. It features very deep blue coloring with red eyes. The reason it has diamond in it's name is because of it's fins are considerably finer when compared to the majority of the other discus, which provides it with a diamond like shimmer!

Although there are lots of varieties, care remains the same for most. All discus have need of blackwater; water by using a much the same consistency as that of the Amazon. There are blackwater extracts which can be brought from pet stores. The aquarium dimensions are pretty important as you need to consider the fact all discus will reach Ten inches or maybe more, with the temperature about 82-88 degrees Fahrenheit. Concerning feeding discus fish, you'll find specialized flake food available and although they can eat live food, this should be kept to a minimum.

Discus are remarkable and can make your fish tank a center point, however be cautious as discus care [] can be quite involved and somewhat tricky.

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