Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Set a Browser Configuration on a Phone

    • 1). Turn on your phone and ensure that you have wireless and data coverage. Check the bars on the top of your screen to identify that your signal is functioning and strong enough to support your browser. Open your phone menu.

    • 2). Use your phone manual to find the location of the browser settings within your settings menu and open it. Without the manual, you can navigate to the "options" or "settings" menu of your phone. Select "advanced options" to open the "browser" menu, or if it is already visible, open it directly. Within the browser menu, click "configure" browser settings. View the customization options.

    • 3). Select default browser configuration, which is usually a choice between Internet Explorer and your phone carrier's network. Select Internet Explorer for wider use within the web, unless specified otherwise by your mobile carrier. Check to be sure your MDS Browser configuration shows a preloaded default setting from your carrier. Contact your cell phone provider if this information is missing to have settings sent to your phone. Ensure that the WAP default browser configuration shows preloaded settings from your mobile carrier. Contact your cell phone provider if this information is missing to have settings sent to your phone. Save settings upon exit.

    • 4). Select browser push options. Enable "push," "MDS push" and "WAP push." Edit security options shown within the browser menu to "allow" features and programs to access "browser push." Select "auto" instead of "allow" if you are unsure of the setting. Select "allow WAP push applications" for maximum features of your cell phone applications. Save settings upon exit.

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