"The Punisher" Movie Trailer
"The Punisher" Movie Synopsis: Marvel's unstoppable vigilante The Punisher hits the screen in a new action thriller that introduces a comic book hero unlike any other. "The Punisher" brings to the screen one of Marvel's top-selling comic books and a marquee character whose popularity parallels that of Marvel stars X-Men, Spider-Man, and the Fantastic Four. The Punisher walks through the world darkened by war, crime, cruelty, and injustice.
He has no superpowers to battle the evil he sees - only his fierce intelligence, his years of combat experience and, above all, his iron determination to avenge those wronged by society?s villains.
"The Punisher" marks the directorial debut of Jonathan Hensleigh, renowned screenwriter of genre blockbusters "The Rock," "Armageddon" and "Die Hard: With a Vengeance." Thomas Jane ("Dreamcatcher," "61*," "Deep Blue Sea") stars as Frank Castle, the Punisher, squaring off against superstar John Travolta ("Pulp Fiction," "Face/Off") as the story's formidable villain. Co-starring are Rebecca Romijn Stamos ("X-Men," "X-2: X-Men United") as a woman climbing back from a troubled past, Laura Harring ("Mulholland Dr.") as Travolta?s vengeful wife, and Samantha Mathis ("American Psycho") as Castle?s wife. The film is produced by Marvel Studios' CEO Avi Arad ("The Hulk," "Spider-Man," "X-Men") and producer Gale Anne Hurd ("The Hulk," "Aliens," "Terminator 2").
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