Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

How to Make a Garden Side Gate

    • 1). Place a 2-by-4 inch board across your work surface. Measure and cut a 36-inch piece of lumber. This will be a cross-piece for the frame of the fence. Cut an upright for the frame from 2-by-4 inch lumber that measures 45 inches long. Use these two cut boards, as guides, to cut a second upright board and cross-piece.

    • 2). Place the two upright boards in front of you on the work surface. Set them up on one of their 2-inch sides. Arrange both uprights so they are sitting parallel and 36 inches apart. Place the cross-pieces across the ends of the uprights. The four boards should form a rectangle. Drill pilot holes then screw the boards together at each corner with 3-inch wood screws.

    • 3). Set a 2-by-4 inch board diagonally across the rectangle formed in Step 2. Make a mark with a grease pencil on either end of the diagonal board where it meets the corners of the rectangle. Draw lines out from the marks on an angle to show where to cut the board so it will fit inside the rectangle. Remove the diagonal board from the rectangle and cut along the marked lines. Set the diagonal piece inside the rectangle. Drill pilot holes then screw the diagonal brace in place with 3-inch wood screws.

    • 4). Cut a length of 1-by-2 inch lumber 36 inches long. This will be a piece for the gate covering. Use this piece of lumber, as a guide, to cut eight more gate covering pieces. Cut a tenth piece of 1-by-2 inch lumber 40 inches long. This will be a spacing guide.

    • 5). Arrange the nine gate covering pieces across the front of the rectangular frame, parallel with the uprights. Separate the boards, leaving a 2-inch space between each one. Use the spacing board to be sure each space is even. Nail each board securely to the frame. Insert a nail through the top cross-piece, bottom cross-piece and diagonal brace on each gate covering board.

    • 6). Paint the gate with an exterior finishing product that matches the existing fence. Let the product dry before hanging the gate and attaching the hardware.

    • 7). Attach a gate hinge to the top and bottom of the gate. Drill pilot holes first to keep the wood from splitting. Ask an assistant to hold the gate in place in the fence opening. Attach the other end of the hinges to the front of the gate. Screw the gate latch onto the opposite side of the gate and fence opening. Check that the gate swings properly and adjust it as needed.

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