Health & Medical Nutrition

Wise Eating - The French Paradox

Despite having a live to eat attitude towards life, the French enjoy a slim and slender body type.
As a matter of fact, cheese, wine, saturated fats and high calorie diet have been a part and parcel of their lives since several decades.
That being said the French rarely suffer from diabetes, heart failure and other ailments in comparison to Americans and other Western countries.
Have you ever wondered how do they get away with most of the ailments that exist today? As such, the whole mystery of high calorie diet and wellbeing is referred as French Paradox.
French Paradox had puzzled the health experts for several years and this puzzle paved away for several research work in this subject.
The French diet is almost three times rich in saturated fat in comparison to an average American's diet.
Despite being on a low calorie diet in comparison to the French, Americans are more prone to heart ailments and obesity.
While the French consume cheese, pastry, cream etc in high quantities, they also consume olive oil and red wine after their meal.
Experts reckon that the consumption of red wine after the meal is the key to the French paradox.
Several studies have unveiled the fact that individuals who consume red wine on regular basis have reduced chances of getting affected by heart diseases and cancer.
Red wine contains an ingredient called resveratrol that does the trick for individuals consuming wine.
Resveratrol is known to carry several health benefits that include reduction in glucose level, lowering cholesterol, and so on.
Since red wine is a rich source of resveratrol, individuals consuming red wine tend to enjoy a better quality of life.
As such, the French themselves believe that they are able to enjoy a healthy life due to moderate, disciplined and balanced diet, and that they have nothing to do with French paradox that has puzzled the world for so long.
However, one can't undermine the fact that the research work has a different tale in store for all of us that is again paradox to what an average French individual tends to believe.

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