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What You Should Do After Being in a Motorcycle Accident

If you are ever in a motorcycle accident, and you are uninjured/superficially injured there are steps you can take to recover evidence from the scene.
Once you adrenalin levels are back to normal you may want to consider making a claim for accident.
Claims for motorbike accidents can be for a variety reasons, slippery surfaces, damaged surface, spillages, non observant road user, ineffective helmets etc.
These claims are usually made again the organization responsible for either the spilled substance, or the surface maintenance company.
Please do not go strait into writing down names, taking pictures etc.
first you must ensure you and others involved in the accident haven't sustained any injuries.
If you/they have an ambulance must be called strait away.
While you are at the scene is the best chance you will get to gather specific information that would help you in a potential claim.
The first thing that should be done is to call the police, the officers may be able to give you information you are unable to collect (trace vehicle speeds by skid marks, etc) You can also collect the other information while waiting for the police to arrive.
A good idea would be to carry a little notebook in the back of your motorcycle that contains these question already written down.
This (1) allows you to concentrate on getting the information, rather than having to remember the questions after a traumatic event, and (2) allows you to gather as much information about the motorcycle accident as possible, by getting the answers faster.
The question you would most likely need to write down would be: - Name, address, and telephone number of the other driver(s) involved in the motorcycle accident.
- Drivers license number(s) of the other driver(s) involved in the motorcycle accident.
- Insurance information of the other driver(s) involved in the motorcycle accident.
- Get the make, model and year of the other vehicles(s) involved in the motorcycle accident and check the vehicle license plate(s).
- Check to see if the driver (s) are the owners of the vehicle(s) involved, this is usually overlooked and can add fee's, time onto your legal bills.
- If it is a company car or similar, get the business contact information.
- Take down the contact information for all witness's of the accident, this can sometimes be difficult as people are reluctant to be classed as a witness's, if this is the case, note down the vehicle registration.
This enables you reach them if more information is needed later on, even though they didn't wish to be a witness, most will come through in the end if they know your case relies on more information - Write down all conversations about the accident, weather in your favor or not, not just driver comments either, if witness's have opinions write them down too.
Asking all these questions can lead to affected people feeling angry, worried, scared, annoyed.
Remember not to get into an argument, and be as calm as possible.
- Never admit fault at the scene even when it is clear, you should wait and speak to a lawyer/solicitor/attorney first.
- After the motorcycle accident you should go to the hospital or doctors as soon as possible regardless of whether you feel okay or not, some injuries may not be noticeable strait away, some may only be noticed once adrenalin levels fall.
And you should keep proof of all medical instructions/medication you are given, and if Possible proof of you following this advise is beneficial.
After the incident: DO NOT repair the vehicle, you must wait until everything is resolved, the evidence of damage may be needed again during this time.
DO NOT sign, answer question, or get into an argument with the at fault driver or his insurance/lawyer/solicitor/attorney.
If you follow these steps taking action on a motorcycle claim should be easy and swift.
Knowing all of these steps is recommended, but you may also want to read.
My next article, which will cover steps to avoiding a motorcycle accident.
You may want to bookmark this page for updates on my next article.

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