Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Know If I Have an Abusive Partner

I bet you are reading this article right now because you want to know why if you are being abused by your partners. Well, if your partner meets the following criteria of an abusive partner, you better think fast and act now.

1. Does your partner yell or humiliate you in public or even when you are alone?

2. Does he makes you feel like you don't know nothing at all and criticizes your decision most of the time? Does he belittle you?

3. Does he/she ignores you're points of views when you share your thoughts and ideas on a certain issue?

4. Does he make you feel powerless that even his presence makes a fearful existence at once?

5. Does he threaten you?

6. Does he use violence against you especially during arguments?

7. Does he blame you most of the time?

8. Is he overly jealous of something or someone?

9. Is he possessive of you?

10. Does he have an unpredictable behavior? A bad temper perhaps?

11. Does he limit your social interactions with your family or friends?

12. Does he threaten you to commit suicide if you leave him?

13. Does he destroy your belongings?

Well, if you're answer to most of these questions is yes, then there is no doubt about it, you are suffering from an abusive partner. Break free as early as now. You have to recognize your partner is the abusive type or else you might regret having had such partner for the rest of your life. You don't have to live by fear everyday anymore.

If you're thinking that your partner will change, well, think again. Truth about abusive person is that they never change. They are manipulative in nature. Their abusive behavior is a cycle, meaning it does not end at all. So why not break the cycle? Break free now or be trapped forever.

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