If God did not put your atoms together, who did? Maybe you did!
If God did not put your atoms together, who did? Maybe you did!
Believe it or not you are made of atoms, sometimes stinking ones. It all depends, whether or not you recognize that God has done it. But, honestly speaking, if you did not assemble your atoms together, who did? Maybe your atoms decided to come together and make up your miserable being.
Well, it all depends again if you believe in atoms or not. But scientists, with big brains, like that of the crippled imbecile, handicapped in the body, mind and soul, a certain Stephen Hawking, decided that there is no need for God to create the universe. Well, God knew exactly how stinking such a zombie of a maimed creature to reject God as the creator of the universe and everything within it. He chained him to his weehling chair and in the hareafter he shall fry in it.
It takes then, more than a brain of a crippled scientist to recognize your incapacity, or inability, to bring atoms together, and mind you ,it ought be of a certain type, to make you what you are.
Well, if you accept this hypothesis that you are the one who brought your atoms together to be in a shape of a human being, in the absence of someone else who has done it, God for example, then you had a hard task making yourself. You had first to prepare life conditions to permit this mysterious being survive and live, whether shittily or happily.
For this, you should have be in existence some few billions of years ago. If scientists believe that the earth was brought about, by man of course, some five to six billions of years before our era, then ,you should have thought how to make of planet earth a proper place, ready to receive imbeciles like yourself.
Then, you must have thought, as you did, to bring about the first carbon molecule some four billions of years and three hundred millions added to it to be correct, according to the last estimation of anthropologists, chemists and physicists.
However, hard thing to exist in outer space and work it all out as you did, or maybe your anscestors. You needed to eat and drink and sleep somewhere. But clever as you are you managed somehow.
Then, you brought about the atoms of the earth together first and then as the earth was a huge ball of fire, according to scientific calculation, you had to wait for it to cool down before you trotted on it screst. Then, with your imagination and creative powers you created water, earth and air and all conditions necessary for your life. Skipping formalities, you thought out how to create life manifestations forms in your already conceived atoms.
After all, you made your own atoms, why not make it for other creatures from the same material i.e. atoms, whether from a different type or not, it is all good to make animals, flora and minerals as well as humans. So, and in accordance to the teachings of the genius Darwin, you should have put the atoms of apes and chimpanzees together to form your beautiful ancestors.
Why not? you look like them, if you think like them for so many chimpanzees think the same way you do. Then, you figured it out to better the condition of the idiot chimpanzee, limited to stimulus-response of some 80-120 words in his life, and constructed the atoms of a Biped. As this was not good enough for your aspiration, and above all your pride, you decided to put together some other atoms and so you created yourself as an homo sapiens sapiens. (whatever the term means)
To create the atoms of a human being, yourself for example, you must have thought very well what kind of atoms I should use for my model. But intelligent as you were at the time of creation, and still are no doubt, still thinking you are self-made, you thought specifically how to create the atoms of every system that constitute your body.
Myriads of systems, you made and brought to absolute perfection of harmony and beauty as well as perfection in function and structure. Well, no wonder, you are a God. Then, you have decided with your aastonishing wisdom, to give man a life-cycle. Well, you were modest to give yourself a short-span of life, so many things to do and so many pleasures to satisfy, so why short-existence on earth.
Why didn't you think of making yourself immortal, for example, or even endowed with wings and can fly. You do not need a donkey nor an a airplane to travel about in your self-made planet earth.
However, and for the sake of the argument, if you made everything, as some idiot scientists believe, while others think it is self-made and auto-productive and others believe the reality is that hazard, chance and coincidence are responsible for creation, the universe, for example, including your own hazadeous being as well, I would like to ask you: what is the nature of the atoms you have used for your creation? Where did you find it to begin with?Alas, no one can answer, not even an Einstein, but might do.
Oh human imbeciles! Ungrateful as you are to deny God and His creation! Wake up and face reality, the absolute fundamental reality of the existence of an All Mighty Creator that made everything, including your planet earth where you live and die and all conditions of living and manifestations of life and death.
Do you not take heed and think that one day you shall be held responsible for your ungrateful denial of the truth?
Denial of God, your creator, who created your atoms, put them together, holds them together, dimolishes them and shall bring them all together exactly as the first time?
Believe it or not you are made of atoms, sometimes stinking ones. It all depends, whether or not you recognize that God has done it. But, honestly speaking, if you did not assemble your atoms together, who did? Maybe your atoms decided to come together and make up your miserable being.
Well, it all depends again if you believe in atoms or not. But scientists, with big brains, like that of the crippled imbecile, handicapped in the body, mind and soul, a certain Stephen Hawking, decided that there is no need for God to create the universe. Well, God knew exactly how stinking such a zombie of a maimed creature to reject God as the creator of the universe and everything within it. He chained him to his weehling chair and in the hareafter he shall fry in it.
It takes then, more than a brain of a crippled scientist to recognize your incapacity, or inability, to bring atoms together, and mind you ,it ought be of a certain type, to make you what you are.
Well, if you accept this hypothesis that you are the one who brought your atoms together to be in a shape of a human being, in the absence of someone else who has done it, God for example, then you had a hard task making yourself. You had first to prepare life conditions to permit this mysterious being survive and live, whether shittily or happily.
For this, you should have be in existence some few billions of years ago. If scientists believe that the earth was brought about, by man of course, some five to six billions of years before our era, then ,you should have thought how to make of planet earth a proper place, ready to receive imbeciles like yourself.
Then, you must have thought, as you did, to bring about the first carbon molecule some four billions of years and three hundred millions added to it to be correct, according to the last estimation of anthropologists, chemists and physicists.
However, hard thing to exist in outer space and work it all out as you did, or maybe your anscestors. You needed to eat and drink and sleep somewhere. But clever as you are you managed somehow.
Then, you brought about the atoms of the earth together first and then as the earth was a huge ball of fire, according to scientific calculation, you had to wait for it to cool down before you trotted on it screst. Then, with your imagination and creative powers you created water, earth and air and all conditions necessary for your life. Skipping formalities, you thought out how to create life manifestations forms in your already conceived atoms.
After all, you made your own atoms, why not make it for other creatures from the same material i.e. atoms, whether from a different type or not, it is all good to make animals, flora and minerals as well as humans. So, and in accordance to the teachings of the genius Darwin, you should have put the atoms of apes and chimpanzees together to form your beautiful ancestors.
Why not? you look like them, if you think like them for so many chimpanzees think the same way you do. Then, you figured it out to better the condition of the idiot chimpanzee, limited to stimulus-response of some 80-120 words in his life, and constructed the atoms of a Biped. As this was not good enough for your aspiration, and above all your pride, you decided to put together some other atoms and so you created yourself as an homo sapiens sapiens. (whatever the term means)
To create the atoms of a human being, yourself for example, you must have thought very well what kind of atoms I should use for my model. But intelligent as you were at the time of creation, and still are no doubt, still thinking you are self-made, you thought specifically how to create the atoms of every system that constitute your body.
Myriads of systems, you made and brought to absolute perfection of harmony and beauty as well as perfection in function and structure. Well, no wonder, you are a God. Then, you have decided with your aastonishing wisdom, to give man a life-cycle. Well, you were modest to give yourself a short-span of life, so many things to do and so many pleasures to satisfy, so why short-existence on earth.
Why didn't you think of making yourself immortal, for example, or even endowed with wings and can fly. You do not need a donkey nor an a airplane to travel about in your self-made planet earth.
However, and for the sake of the argument, if you made everything, as some idiot scientists believe, while others think it is self-made and auto-productive and others believe the reality is that hazard, chance and coincidence are responsible for creation, the universe, for example, including your own hazadeous being as well, I would like to ask you: what is the nature of the atoms you have used for your creation? Where did you find it to begin with?Alas, no one can answer, not even an Einstein, but might do.
Oh human imbeciles! Ungrateful as you are to deny God and His creation! Wake up and face reality, the absolute fundamental reality of the existence of an All Mighty Creator that made everything, including your planet earth where you live and die and all conditions of living and manifestations of life and death.
Do you not take heed and think that one day you shall be held responsible for your ungrateful denial of the truth?
Denial of God, your creator, who created your atoms, put them together, holds them together, dimolishes them and shall bring them all together exactly as the first time?