Business & Finance Wealth Building

Forex Trading-This Long Term Trading Chart Pattern Can Make You Very Rich-If You Know How

I have often been asked to explain whether it is a complicated matter to know when a trading pattern can result in massive profits.
So I will share with you such a trading setup that has taken EIGHT YEARS to build up.
And if a trading pattern takes that long to build up and there is an outbreak, you can bet that the trading action will persists for some time.
What does that mean? This can mean massive profits to you...
if you know how to trade, enter and exit at the correct times.
Or it can mean nothing to you, because you have not learnt how to trade, or you are still sitting on the sidelines.
If you run over to your charting interface or your forex trading platform charting facility and pull up the Yen-US currency chart, you can see that the yen looks to continue its weakness against the US$ over the next few months! As of today, the thirdweek of January, 2007, the yen has done two important things that you can benefit and make massive gains if you know how! Firstly, the yen has broke out of its 8-years resistance trend line in Dec 2006.
Secondly, the yen has continued to rally and is now above 120 yen/US$.
Technically from the chart, we can see no major resistance for the yen until the 125-129 levels.
The key to successfully trading this pattern is to be able to convert this information into trading action...
trading action that can mean profits to you.
Long term trading patterns like this always present superior opportunities for you to make good profits.
They take years to roll out their cycles, to oscillate from low to high and then to low again.
Once the opportunity is lost, you will need to wait years again before another similar pattern forms.
It has never been easier for you to avail yourself to training and pick up the correct skills to become a good trader.
Get a mentor and learn from him, and then you will be able to position yourself into success.
Either you know how to trade this long term 8 years pattern and earn massive profits or you will continue to be disappointed as you hesitate and continue to be a loser.
Therefore it is important to enhance your opportunities by reducing the risk ...
learn how to trade with a professional trader as your mentor and be successful.

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