Business & Finance Wealth Building

How to Get Into The Millionaire"s Mindset

Millionaires Mind We all know that the millionaire and the poor man's outlook on life are worlds apart.
We all know the story once told that if all the money in the world would be divided equally between all the people in the world so that everyone would have the same amount of money and that after one year the previously rich people would be rich again and the poor will be poor again.
What do you think? Can this be true? It is! Why? Because the poor man just don't see money in the same light as the rich guy.
If the poor man changes his outlook on life and money, would he also become rich? Yes! I could go into the how the rich think but that is a subject for another time.
So, let us go on changing our own ideas about money.
This may actually be easier than you think.
Do you think that you would look at $10.
00 differently that the way you would look at $1 000 000.
Off cause yes! OK, here is what I did to change my outlook on money.
I start to save $100.
00 each and every month.
Easy! You could start with $10.
It depends on the amount you've got available.
The first $100.
00 was a huge accomplishment - I opened a separate bank account and deposited my $100.
00 into that account.
This was my start.
I've got $100.
00!! WOW Each month thereafter I deposited $100.
00 into my wealth creating account.
How do you think that I felt when I reached $1000.
00? Definitely not the same as when I only had $100.
Another accomplishment, another goal.
How do you think I felt when I reached $10 000.
00 or even $100 000.
00? The same as when I had the $100.
00? No!! By depositing any loose change or some extra money (from maybe some sideline job you did) you will see your money grow even faster.
Even faster if you get compound interest on your money.
Your outlook on life and money will change as if by itself.
You won't even notice the change.
Other people probably would.
Some experts would tell you to first pay off all your debts.
I don't agree because you will never reach the stage where you would start to think like a millionaire by having no debt.
If you have, say, $100 000.
00 safe in your banking account you would already feel like a millionaire but not if you pay that money on your bond, even if you pay it in full.
We just don't feel rich even if we don't have any debts and no money in the bank.
You would feel rich with lots of money in the bank and a lot of debts.
And it is this feeling that we are after.
Feeling rich! Once you are a millionaire you can decide to pay off all your debts and have lots of money left in the bank.
The goal here is to get into the millionaires mindset.
This is the only way you can start slowly but surely to change your outlook on money and life in general.
Well, you could win the lottery! But would it surprise you if you are bankrupt after only one year? No, because you didn't learn to think like a millionaire.
To your wealth creation Lukas Engelbrecht

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