Strategies on How to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis
Top Preventive Measures Against BV According to most doctors, learning how to prevent bacterial vaginosis is probably your best defense against the illness.
After all, if you are fully equipped with the necessary information on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, you will be able to considerably reduce your risks of sustaining the infection.
A great way to start building up on your knowledge on BV is to learn about preventive measures you can take to protect yourself.
For starters, you should know that your body has excellent built-in mechanisms to fight against harmful bacteria.
As much as possible, you should allow your body to flush out bad bacteria naturally, instead of getting in the way and ending up doing more harm in the process.
We are talking about supposedly hygienic procedures such as douching.
It may initially seem good for the body - after all, the intention is to clean out the inside of the vagina - but what this really does is to push the bacteria further inside where it can cause more damage.
On the other hand, if you just let your body do its job, there is more chance that the bad bacteria will be naturally expelled from the body.
Your Relationship and Preventing BV It is also important to note that the more sexual activity you have, the more likely you will develop infections in the vagina.
The risk is much more pronounced if you have multiple sexual partners.
However, even if you are in a monogamous sexual relationship, there is still no assurance that you will be completely safe from bacterial vaginosis.
If you are wondering how to prevent bacterial vaginosis when you are involved with someone, don't worry, you don't really have to abstain from sex altogether.
But it would be good to limit your sexual activity to 3 or 4 times a week, and to use a condom to prevent the passing of bad bacteria between you and your partner.
Eating yogurt is also another great method for preventing the onset of bacterial vaginosis.
Good bacteria exists in the vagina alongside the bad ones.
When the good bacteria are outnumbered, the risk of infection increases tremendously.
Yogurt contains a high amount of these good bacteria, enough to improve your body's defenses against many vaginal infections.
This is why eating a cup of plain acidophilus yogurt everyday is frequently mentioned among the top techniques on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis.
If you just follow these strategies on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, you might be able to protect yourself adequately and never have to suffer the uncomfortable and painful effects at all.
After all, if you are fully equipped with the necessary information on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, you will be able to considerably reduce your risks of sustaining the infection.
A great way to start building up on your knowledge on BV is to learn about preventive measures you can take to protect yourself.
For starters, you should know that your body has excellent built-in mechanisms to fight against harmful bacteria.
As much as possible, you should allow your body to flush out bad bacteria naturally, instead of getting in the way and ending up doing more harm in the process.
We are talking about supposedly hygienic procedures such as douching.
It may initially seem good for the body - after all, the intention is to clean out the inside of the vagina - but what this really does is to push the bacteria further inside where it can cause more damage.
On the other hand, if you just let your body do its job, there is more chance that the bad bacteria will be naturally expelled from the body.
Your Relationship and Preventing BV It is also important to note that the more sexual activity you have, the more likely you will develop infections in the vagina.
The risk is much more pronounced if you have multiple sexual partners.
However, even if you are in a monogamous sexual relationship, there is still no assurance that you will be completely safe from bacterial vaginosis.
If you are wondering how to prevent bacterial vaginosis when you are involved with someone, don't worry, you don't really have to abstain from sex altogether.
But it would be good to limit your sexual activity to 3 or 4 times a week, and to use a condom to prevent the passing of bad bacteria between you and your partner.
Eating yogurt is also another great method for preventing the onset of bacterial vaginosis.
Good bacteria exists in the vagina alongside the bad ones.
When the good bacteria are outnumbered, the risk of infection increases tremendously.
Yogurt contains a high amount of these good bacteria, enough to improve your body's defenses against many vaginal infections.
This is why eating a cup of plain acidophilus yogurt everyday is frequently mentioned among the top techniques on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis.
If you just follow these strategies on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, you might be able to protect yourself adequately and never have to suffer the uncomfortable and painful effects at all.