Rescue Remedy for Labor
- Rescue Remedy is an all-purpose, stress-relieving potion. During pregnancy and labor it can benefit not just the mother but her family and even the attending staff, because the mother is kept calm. It may be especially appropriate for challenging birth situations such as premature delivery or delivery through C-section. Rescue Remedy promotes general calmness and relaxation.
- The functions of each ingredient create a powerful and effective formula.
Star of Bethlehem treats trauma and shock. Clematis is good for the tendency to faint or pass out. Cherry plum helps to calm fear, prevent a breakdown and manage anger; it helps you stay cool and rational. Impatiens help manage irritability and tension and treat impatience. Rock rose helps alleviate terror and panic. Elm is helpful to keep you from getting overwhelmed, while gentian is included to encourage you. Larch helps mothers-to-be gain self-confidence about the birthing process, while mimulus helps to treat fears a mother may have about her life or the life of her child. Olive helps fight exhaustion.
Walnut is included to help the mother adapt to the changes that will come with the new baby. - Rescue Remedy is meant to be diluted in spring water. Add 4 drops of Rescue Remedy to a cup of water. Sip it like tea. Do not overdose, or the remedy may lose its effectiveness.
Rescue Remedy is available as a cream, liquid, spray and nonalcoholic solution. The cream can be directly applied to broken skin. The spray is applied to the back, forehead or stomach.
Before giving birth, you can prepare your remedy solution in advance by mixing up to six doses into a water bottle to sip throughout your labor. Your partner may take the solution as well.
You can also opt to have your Rescue Remedy custom-made, using the ingredients you want for the particular situation you are about to face. You can have a formula specifically made to aid in your labor. Rescue Remedy is entirely safe for your baby, so use to help you prepare for childbirth.