Fencing For Chickens
I love my chickens but one day I was at the end of my rope and I had to start looking into fencing for chickens.
While they are out puttering around in my yard, they also like to poke around in my garden or flower beds.
The problem is that they can destroy these areas in a very short span of time.
I finally got tired of my free range chickens going where I didn't want them to and I started investing in some fencing.
There are some options available when you go online and look for "fencing for chickens".
The old standby that is still commonly used is the chicken or poultry fencing.
It is a mesh type fencing with small openings that can be ideal to help keep the little darlings out of areas you don't want them in.
The basic problem with any type of fencing for chickens is that chickens are smarter than most people give them credit for and they can fly pretty well too.
Most of my chickens were most appreciative of the fact that I was nice enough to provide fencing for them to land on and perch on.
So I found that when I used this fencing to basically cordon off my garden and flower beds it was very effective, as long as I also put it over the top as well as along the sides.
I also had to build frames to support the weight of the chickens as they walked over the top of the mesh trying to get to the flowers and veggies! A friend of mine also used the plastic mesh fencing to try and contain her chickens.
It comes in a variety of colors including orange, green and white.
It's a fairly tall fencing and is durable so it can be moved around if you want to.
It is easy to work with and can be stapled or hooked to posts, garages, your house, etc.
Again, the biggest problem is that smart chickens figure out how to fly over it or try to perch on it.
I personally didn't find it very effective at keeping my chickens in or out of certain areas.
Electric fencing can be very effective at corralling your birds if they aren't very good fliers.
It also helps to keep predators out of your chicken area which is great.
Because they get a mild shock if they touch it, they don't land on it and very quickly learn to just stay the heck away from it.
Even some of my fliers now won't fly over it because they touched it as they tried to escape.
Again, it doesn't contain all of your birds but I have found it to be very good at containing all but the most escape minded hens.
Fencing for chickens comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and you should be able to find something that will work for you and your flock.
While they are out puttering around in my yard, they also like to poke around in my garden or flower beds.
The problem is that they can destroy these areas in a very short span of time.
I finally got tired of my free range chickens going where I didn't want them to and I started investing in some fencing.
There are some options available when you go online and look for "fencing for chickens".
The old standby that is still commonly used is the chicken or poultry fencing.
It is a mesh type fencing with small openings that can be ideal to help keep the little darlings out of areas you don't want them in.
The basic problem with any type of fencing for chickens is that chickens are smarter than most people give them credit for and they can fly pretty well too.
Most of my chickens were most appreciative of the fact that I was nice enough to provide fencing for them to land on and perch on.
So I found that when I used this fencing to basically cordon off my garden and flower beds it was very effective, as long as I also put it over the top as well as along the sides.
I also had to build frames to support the weight of the chickens as they walked over the top of the mesh trying to get to the flowers and veggies! A friend of mine also used the plastic mesh fencing to try and contain her chickens.
It comes in a variety of colors including orange, green and white.
It's a fairly tall fencing and is durable so it can be moved around if you want to.
It is easy to work with and can be stapled or hooked to posts, garages, your house, etc.
Again, the biggest problem is that smart chickens figure out how to fly over it or try to perch on it.
I personally didn't find it very effective at keeping my chickens in or out of certain areas.
Electric fencing can be very effective at corralling your birds if they aren't very good fliers.
It also helps to keep predators out of your chicken area which is great.
Because they get a mild shock if they touch it, they don't land on it and very quickly learn to just stay the heck away from it.
Even some of my fliers now won't fly over it because they touched it as they tried to escape.
Again, it doesn't contain all of your birds but I have found it to be very good at containing all but the most escape minded hens.
Fencing for chickens comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and you should be able to find something that will work for you and your flock.