Inexpensive Thank-You Gifts for a Colleague
- Time and thought, not money, dictate the meaning of a gift.Andrew Bret Wallis/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
A thank you gift does not need to be pricey or elaborate to reflect your thanks to a coworker or colleague. A well-thought-out and planned gift will greatly overshadow the amount of money you spend on the gift. Choose something heartfelt for a sincere representation of your gratitude. - An unexpected sweet or home baked goody can go a long way to making a coworker's day as well as expressing your thanks. Bake a batch of cookies and place in a festive bag or tin as an inexpensive, but tasty, thank you gift. Leave the tin on your colleague's desk with a note expressing your thanks. Place a favorite candy bar or a small box of gourmet chocolates on his keyboard accompanied by a handwritten thank you note.
- A gourmet or coffee shop cup of coffee or tea can add a pleasant perk to a coworker's day. Purchase a gift card with enough for at least one cup of coffee for her and give it to her along with your thanks. This simple gift will effectively relay that her kindness or hard work did not go unnoticed and will show her you appreciate her. For an added touch give the colleague a small bag of chocolate-covered espresso beans to round out the gift.
- Coworkers can often be guilty about relaying only negative information about their colleagues and complaining and not discussing the positive actions their coworkers contribute as well. Set a new example and boost the thank you recipient's self esteem by relaying the good deed at the water cooler to your fellow colleagues. It can be a very powerful morale booster to hear of people talking positively about you and it won't cost you a penny.