Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

2 Tips to Having a Schedule on a Cattle Ranch

"Hey! We play Seattle October 14th.
Why don't we get tickets?" "I'm so excited about this year's schedule.
I think this is the year, we're going to win the championship!" This was the conversation I had with my friend when the schedule for the up coming season was released.
Every year we plan on getting certain tickets to those games.
Schedules help people in what to plan for.
They also help create a routine.
A routine is a must when running a cattle ranch.
I wanted to give a great example of schedules without being too dull.
Showing that schedules help run any type of business is what I'm trying to get at.
I run a cattle ranch and it is not only my business, but also my passion.
Everyday I have a routine, from the time I wake up, I have certain "chores" that need to be done each day.
I have learned that cattle are like humans, they like to do certain things on a regular basis.
They eat and drink at the same time each day (well they eat all day), but they are in certain areas at certain times of the day.
Sort of like Groundhog Day.
They also do this together, in a herd.
But there will be "strays".
Strays are the ones that need to be brought back to the herd.
Cattle need to stay together when out on the range.
Because there are animals that hunt and will eat your livestock.
They only attack when one strays from the herd.
This brings me to my point.
A schedule to go out and check the herd.
Here are 2 tips that will help keep the cattle ranch running smoothly.
oAlways keep count of the cattle out on the range.
Make note of any missing from the herd.
When out in search to find the stray, be aware of any tracks other than the cattle.
oAlso, keep your schedule written down in some type of journal.
Write down what was new or out of ordinary.
So, here are 2 tips to take care of the cattle out on the ranch.
Make the schedule and stick to it on a regular basis.
The health of the cattle is the primary concern on the cattle ranch.

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